Monday, March 13, 2017

Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval
vol. 24/2017

Original papers are sought to the scientific journal Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, vol. 24 (2017), to be published in December 2017. The Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval is a yearly scholarly open access publication, indexed and peer-reviewed. The Revista is the official journal of SOFIME (Sociedad de Filosofía Medieval:, and it is distributed by the University of Zaragoza’s Press.

Our journal is continuously published since 1993, with scientific contributions in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese. The submitted articles must be original contributions to the discussion on medieval thought and the transmission of knowledge (from the Middle Ages up to the Early-Modern Period), nonetheless contributions related to the intellectual tradition of Late Antiquity are welcomed too. Papers must be approximately between 5,000 and 25,000 words in length. The deadline for the submission is 1 July 2017. The contributions will be evaluated through a blind peer-review process. To submit a paper, sign up and follow the instructions on our OJS website:

For any further questions, do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Committee of the Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval:

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