Thursday, March 23, 2017

Litigating Women: Negotiating Justice in Courts of Law, c.1100 - c.1750

by Emma Cavell
Your network editor has reposted this from H-Announce. The byline reflects the original authorship.
June 28, 2017 to June 29, 2017
United Kingdom
Subject Fields: 
Medieval and Byzantine History / Studies, British History / Studies, European History / Studies, Law and Legal History, Women's & Gender History / Studies
As part of the AHRC-funded collaborative project 'Women Negotiating the Boundaries of Justice: Britain and Ireland, c. 1100-c.1750', and in conjunction with Swansea University's 11th annual 'Symposium by the Sea', this two-day event will explore women's access to justice and use of the lawcourts in Britain and Continental Europe in the medieval and early modern periods. With speakers ranging from senior academics to postgraduate students, we have dedicated 'new researcher' sessions for postgraduates, three keynotes, and a host of fascinating topics that cover, among other things, noblewomen's civil litigation in medieval England, Ireland and Normandy, German and French divorce suits in the Revolutionary period, and women's appeals to the Court of Sequestrations during the English Civil War.
Our three keynotes are:
  • Professor Emerita Janet Loengard, of Moravian College, Pennsylvania: 'Heiresses, widows, felons and others: thirteenth-century women in the king's court'.
  • Professor Sara Butler, The Ohio State University: 'Women and criminal law in medieval England'.
  • Professor Julie Hardwick, The University of Texas at Austin: 'The first time: young workers, consensual relationships, and the shift to physical intimacy in Old Regime France'.
Confirmed speakers include (among many others!):
  • Dr Gwen Seabourne (Bristol)
  • Prof. Loreen L. Giese (Ohio University)
  • Dr Peter L. Larson (University of Central Florida
  • Dr Sparky Booker (Queen’s University Belfast)
  • Laila Scheuch (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt/Main)
  • Harriet Kersey (Canterbury Christ Church University)
Full fee: £60, student/unwaged £45. Day rate: £35, student/unwaged: £28
For a full programme and a registration form, please go to our symposium page:

Contact Info: 
Dr Emma Cavell
Department of History
James Callaghan Building
Swansea University
Singleton Park
Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales UK.
Contact Email: 

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