Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A summer school on the study of medieval books with quantitative methods will take place in Paris from the 12th to the 16th of June 2017. It is organized by the Lamop (Université Paris I), the IRHT, the Ecole nationale des Chartes and the University of Namur.

During one week, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the use of quantitative methods in medieval book studies and to practice them with the best specialists. 

The full program and the application form can be found on http://lamop.univ-paris1.fr/menu-haut/seminaires/francois-foronda/#c628055. The deadline for application is April the 13th.

Conferences and workshops will be in french. Registration is free of charge ; a few bursaries for travel and accomodation will be given depending on individual situations and needs.

Octave Julien
Docteur en histoire
Enseignant-chercheur (Pireh / Lamop)

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