Monday, February 1, 2010

Formulas in Medieval Culture


Formulas in Medieval Culture
Location: Nancy (France)
Date: November 5-6, 2010
Languages: English and French
Abstract submission deadline: February 28, 2010

The GRENDEL, the medieval section of the IDEA research group (Nancy
invites proposals for an international and interdisciplinary
conference devoted
to the study of formulas in Medieval Culture, to take place on November 5-6,
2010. The conference is a follow-up to the successful 2008 Conference on
Formulas in Medieval England.
Medieval modes of thinking and representation rely heavily on
formulas, that is
to say on the expected return of recognizable devices. The omnipresence of
formulas in all aspects of medieval culture generates productive tensions
between individual expression and collective norms, change and continuity,
innovations and rituals.
The aim of the conference is to systematically explore these tensions through
presentations devoted to various areas of the Medieval World and of Medieval

Papers are welcome on, but not limited to:
- Religious and political rituals
- Oral-formulaic theory
- Legal formulas
- Topoi and generic conventions
- Politeness and ritualized interaction
- Conventional motifs in visual arts

Papers may be given in English or French and should be 20 minutes
long. Selected
papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference.
Please email a brief CV and an abstract of no more than 400 words to Colette
Stévanovitch ( by February 28,
2010. Please
include the title of your paper, name, affiliation and email address.

Inquiries are welcome.

Colette Stévanovitch ( & Elise Louviot
IDEA (Interdisciplinarity in Anglophone Studies)
23, bd Albert 1er
BP 3397
54015 Nancy Cedex


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