Sunday, February 28, 2010

MLA call for papers: Old English Language and Literature

MLA call for papers: Old English Language and Literature

Anglo-Saxon Pedagogies. Anglo-Saxon pedagogical theories or practices. How
did Anglo-Saxons teach, and how did they theorize teaching? How do we
teach Anglo-Saxon literature today? Abstracts for 5-10-min. papers by 2
March 2010; Shari L. Horner (

Editing from Medieval Manuscripts: Current Challenges and Debates.
Theories and practices of preparing editions of medieval texts; the impact
of electronic media and meeting diverse user needs. 1-paragraph proposals
for roundtable by 15 March 2010; Shari L. Horner ( and
John Niles (

Open Session of the Division of Old English Language and Literature. Any
aspect of Anglo-Saxon language, literature, or culture. Abstracts for
15-min. papers by 2 March 2010; Shari L. Horner (
Seeing, Feeling, Knowing: Perception in Anglo-Saxon Literature. Examining
representations of cognition, emotion, or perception--intellectual or
sensory--in Anglo-Saxon literature and culture. Abstracts for 15-min.
papers by 2 March 2010; Shari L. Horner (

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