Monday, February 22, 2010


Hortulus: The Online Graduate Journal of Medieval Studies Special Call For Papers for 2009 Issue on Monsters and Monstrosities in the Middle Ages

Hortulus: The Online Graduate Journal of Medieval Studies is a refereed journal devoted to the literature and cultures of the medieval world. Published electronically once a year, its mission is to present a forum in which graduate students from around the globe may share their ideas. For further information please visit our website at

Our upcoming issue will be devoted to representations and interpretations of monsters and monstrosities in art, chronicles, letters, literature, and music from the Middle Ages. We are also interested in book reviews on foundational works that would be helpful for graduate students exploring medieval monsters and monstrosities for the first time, such as Asa Sim Mittman, Maps And Monsters In Medieval England, (2008) and Karin E. Olsen, L. A. J. R. Houwen, eds., Monsters and the monstrous in medieval northwest Europe (2001). Article submissions may address but are not limited to:

* Bestiaries and manuscript illuminations of monstrosities
* Classical and Eastern transmissions and receptions of monsters
Desires and sins of the flesh that degrade humans into monstrosities in allegories, commentaries, exempla, hagiography, miracle collections, and sermons
* The Green Man, the Owl Man, the Wild Man and the Wild Woman
* Medical accounts of monstrous births and the monstrous female, intersexed, or male body
* Monsters and monstrosities in epics, exempla, fables, lais, and romances
* Monsters and monstrosities in chronicles and travel literature
* Purgatorial and demonic monsters and monstrosities in Visionary literature The racial other as a monstrosity
* Saints as and/or versus monsters and monstrosities in vitae and legends Transformations of humans into animals and vice versa

The 2009 issue of Hortulus: The Online Graduate Journal of Medieval Studies will be published in May of 2010. All graduate students are welcome to submit their articles and book reviews or send their queries via email to by March 1 2010.

Posted by: Grace Windsor (


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