Saturday, December 6, 2008

Via ISAS net:: Congratulations to Martin Foys! MLA Price for a First Book

In Virtually Anglo-Saxon: Old Media, New Media, and Early Medieval Studies
in the Late Age of Print, Martin K. Foys offers a path-breaking
exploration of the relations between contemporary advances in
information technology and Anglo-Saxon studies. What does it mean to
remediate—to transform through a change in the medium of its
transmission—a cultural artifact? How has print technology shaped the
medieval past, and how might new media “adapt and transform the nature of
our work, the medieval past we produce, and eventually even
ourselves”? Moving from manuscripts to tapestries to maps to sculpted
crosses, Foys offers a provocative challenge to all scholars to rethink
what they know of and how they come to know the worlds and the objects
they study.

The MLA Prize for a First Book was established in 1993. It is awarded
annually for the first book-length publication of a member of the
association: a literary or linguistic study, a critical edition of an
important work, or a critical biography. The members of the selection
committee were Mary Baine Campbell (Brandeis Univ.); Jody Greene (Univ. of
California, Santa Cruz); Michael Lucey (Univ. of California,
Berkeley), chair; Priscilla Walton (Carleton Univ.); and Raymond L.
Williams (Univ. of California, Riverside).

(FYI: Martin also published an excerpt of his book in The Heroic Age here.

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