Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Conference Announcement: Late Roman Italy - Imperium to Regnum
The Roman Society Research Center of Ghent University (<>
) is proud to announce the following international conference:
Late Roman Italy: Imperium to Regnum
Ghent, 10-12 January 2019
Organised by Jeroen Wijnendaele & Lieve van Hoof (Ghent University)
During the first quarter of the first millennium CE, Italy was still
the heart of the Roman Empire; the only political superstructure ever
managing to encompass the entire Mediterranean world and its European
hinterland. Yet during the second quarter of this same millennium,
Italy underwent dramatic evolutions from demotion to a regular
province (c. 285-395), to a new imperial hub kept afloat by
cannibalizing other provinces’ resources (c. 395-475), to an
autonomous kingdom governed by barbarian leaders as part of an Eastern
Roman ‘Commonwealth’ (c. 475-535). The transition from Imperium to
Regnum will be crucial in this conference to understand the major
political, social, economic, religious and culture changes impacting
what was once the most important region of the Roman world.

Confirmed speakers include:

Sarah Bühler (Universität Tübingen)
Neil Christie (University of Leicester)
Mark Humphries (Swansea University)
Bronwen Neil (Macquarie University)
Philip Rance (Freie Universität Berlin)
Umberto Roberto (Università Europea di Roma)
Daniëlle Slootjes (Radbout University Nijmegen)
Giusto Traina (Sorbonne Université)
Peter Van Nuffelen (Ghent University)
Jessica Van ‘t Westeinde (University of Bern)
Ulriika Vihervalli (Cardiff University)
Jeroen Wijnendaele (Ghent University)

The conference programme will be forwarded closer to date. Those who
are interested in attending are kindly advised to contact the
organizers at:>

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