Sunday, September 30, 2018

Canadian Association of Italian Studies (CAIS) - 2019 Conference,
Orvieto (Italy) June 13-16 / Associazione canadese di studi
d’italianistica (ACSI)  Convegno annuale  Orvieto, 13-16 giugno 2019
by Maria Laura Mosco
*[English version to follow / L'information française à suivre]*

*Associazione canadese di studi d’italianistica (ACSI)*

*Convegno annuale*

*Orvieto, 13-16 giugno 2019*

L'Associazione canadese di studi d'italianistica invita a presentare proposte
per il convegno annuale che si terrà ad Orvieto dal 13 al 16 giugno 2019.

Le proposte di sessioni vanno inviate a Cristina Perissinotto (University of
Ottawa), all'indirizzo email ufficiale CAIS:
[1]. La data di scadenza per l’invio è il 31 gennaio 2019. Le proposte
saranno pubblicate sul sito dell'associazione nell’ordine in cui saranno

Le proposte di interventi vanno inviate agli organizzatori delle sessioni
entro il 28 febbraio 2019. Se si desidera inviare una proposta di
intervento  che non trova inclusione in nessuna delle sessioni elencate sul
sito, si prega di inviarla direttamente alla organizzatrice, Cristina

Gli organizzatori delle sessioni dovranno prendere in considerazione tutte le
proposte ricevute fino alla scadenza del 28 febbraio 2019. L’annuncio che
una sessione è completa potrà venir dato solo dopo tale data. Solo in
seguito gli organizzatori delle sessioni dovranno completare il modulo per la
proposta di sessione completa per inviarlo all'organizzatrice all'indirizzo
ufficiale CAIS: [2]

L' associazione permette ai delegati di presentare solo un intervento.
Inoltre, da quest' anno i delegati possono presentare un intervento nella
sessione che presiedono. È possibile presiedere più di una sessione.

Si ricorda ai delegati che se intendono sottoporre delle proposte agli
organizzatori di due o più sessioni, è loro compito inviarne notifica a
tutti gli organizzatori delle sessioni alle quali hanno inviato una proposta.
In mancanza di tale notifica, gli organizzatori delle sessioni avranno il
diritto di decidere tra loro in quale sessione inserire l’intervento o se
escluderlo dal convegno.

Tutti i partecipanti al convegno dovranno essere iscritti all'associazione
entro la data del 15 maggio 2019. Solo previa iscrizione all' associazione i
nomi dei delegati compariranno nel programma e i partecipanti potranno
presentare il loro intervento.

Le iscrizioni al convegno si apriranno nel febbraio 2019. Il costo è di 80
Euro per i dottorandi,  per i dottori di ricerca senza impiego a tempo
indeterminato, per i Professori Emeriti;  di 120 Euro per tutti gli altri

*Canadian Association of Italian Studies (CAIS)*

*2019 Conference*

*Orvieto (Italy) June 13-16*

Call For Papers:

We invite session and paper proposals for the 2019 Canadian Association for
Italian Studies Conference that will be held in Orvieto (TR) Italy, on June
13-16, 2019. The deadline for session proposals is January 31, 2019. In order
to propose a session, please fill out the session proposal form and submit it
to the conference organizer Cristina Perissinotto (University of Ottawa) at
the official CAIS email address: [3].
Session proposals will be made public on the CAIS website in the order in
which they are received.

Proposals for individual papers should be sent directly to the session
organizers using the paper proposal form. If you would like to propose a
paper that cannot be housed in any of the planned panels, please submit the
form directly to the conference organizers at this email address: [4].

Session organizers must consider all the paper proposals received up to the
deadline of February 28, 2019. The announcement that a panel is closed can
only be made after that date. Once the deadline has passed, all session
organizers will send the complete paper proposal forms for their session to
the conference organizers at this address:

The Association’s rules allow members to present only one paper at the
annual conference. As of last year’s AGM, session organizers are allowed to
chair the session they have organized. Members are allowed to chair more than
one session.

Please be reminded that if you submit a paper proposal to more than one
session, you should notify all the organizers to whom you have made a
submission. If you fail to notify the session organizers, they will have the
right to decide between themselves in which session the paper will be
presented or if the paper will be excluded.

All participants must be members in good standing of CAIS. Membership must be
current by May 15, 2019, in order for the member’s name to appear in the
program and for the member to be allowed to present his/her work at the 2019
CAIS conference.

The Conference Registration will open in February 2019. The cost will be:
(Euro) € 80 for graduate students, retired members, and PhDs without full
time employment. Registration will be (Euro) € 120 for all other delegates.

Session Proposal Form
Paper Proposal Form
Complete Session Proposal Form

*Association canadienne pour les études italiennes (ACEI)*

*Conférence 2019*

13 - 16 juin 2019*

L'Association canadienne pour les études italiennes (ACEI) sollicite des
propositions de communications individuelles et de sessions à tenir dans le
cadre de sa Conférence 2019, qui aura lieu du 13 au 16 juin 2019,à Orvieto
(TR), Italie.


La date limite pour la proposition d’une session est le 31 janvier 2019.
Prière d’utiliser à cette fin le formulaire de proposition de session et
de l’envoyer à l’adresse de courriel de l' ACEI
( [6]), à l’attention de l'organisatrice
Cristina Perissinotto (University of Ottawa). Les propositions de sessions
seront affichées sur le site web de l'ACEI dans l’ordre où elles seront

Communications individuelles

La date limite pour la proposition d’une communication individuelle est le
28 février 2019. Prière d’utiliser le formulaire de proposition de
communication individuelle et de l’envoyer directement aux
organisateurs/-trices de la session choisie. Les propositions de
communications individuelles ne trouvant à s’insérer dans aucune des
sessions projetées peuvent être soumises à l’attention de l'organisation
de la conférence.


On demande aux organisateurs/-trices des sessions de ne pasarrêter leurs
décisions, ni de clore leur appel de propositions avant la date du 28
février 2019. Au terme du 28 février, les organisateurs/-trices dessessions
doivent acheminer les formulaires de propositions de communications à
l’attention de l'organization de la conférence à l’adresse de courriel
de la ACEI ( [7]).

Selon les statuts de l' ACEI, chaque membre ne peut présenter qu’une seule
communication durant la Conférence annuelle. Règle neuve: Un membre qui
organise une séance peut cependant présider la même séance. Un membre
peut cependant présider plus d’une séance.

Une personne qui propose plus d’une communication dans le cadre de plus
d’une session doit en avertir les organisateurs des dite ssessions. Les
organisateurs de sessions qui n’auront pas été dûment avertis auront la
liberté de s’entendre entre eux pour décider d’inclure ou d’exclure
la proposition dans leurs sessions.

Tous les participants doivent être membres en règles de l'ACEI et
s’assurer d’avoir payé leurs droits au 15 mai 2019 pour que leur nom
soit inclus au programme et qu’ils puissent présenter leur travail dans le
cadre de la Conférence 2019.

Les inscriptions à la Conférence ouvriront en février 2019.

Les frais sont fixés à euros 80 pour les étudiants aux cycles supérieurs,
les membres à la retraite et les diplômés du doctorat sans emploi à temps
plein. Les frais sont de 120 euros pour les autres membres.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Conference Announcement: Late Roman Italy - Imperium to Regnum
The Roman Society Research Center of Ghent University (<>
) is proud to announce the following international conference:
Late Roman Italy: Imperium to Regnum
Ghent, 10-12 January 2019
Organised by Jeroen Wijnendaele & Lieve van Hoof (Ghent University)
During the first quarter of the first millennium CE, Italy was still
the heart of the Roman Empire; the only political superstructure ever
managing to encompass the entire Mediterranean world and its European
hinterland. Yet during the second quarter of this same millennium,
Italy underwent dramatic evolutions from demotion to a regular
province (c. 285-395), to a new imperial hub kept afloat by
cannibalizing other provinces’ resources (c. 395-475), to an
autonomous kingdom governed by barbarian leaders as part of an Eastern
Roman ‘Commonwealth’ (c. 475-535). The transition from Imperium to
Regnum will be crucial in this conference to understand the major
political, social, economic, religious and culture changes impacting
what was once the most important region of the Roman world.

Confirmed speakers include:

Sarah Bühler (Universität Tübingen)
Neil Christie (University of Leicester)
Mark Humphries (Swansea University)
Bronwen Neil (Macquarie University)
Philip Rance (Freie Universität Berlin)
Umberto Roberto (Università Europea di Roma)
Daniëlle Slootjes (Radbout University Nijmegen)
Giusto Traina (Sorbonne Université)
Peter Van Nuffelen (Ghent University)
Jessica Van ‘t Westeinde (University of Bern)
Ulriika Vihervalli (Cardiff University)
Jeroen Wijnendaele (Ghent University)

The conference programme will be forwarded closer to date. Those who
are interested in attending are kindly advised to contact the
organizers at:>

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Last Call! Room for a paper!

New Approaches to the Age of Arthur: Britain and Gaul in the Fifth Century

Sponsor: The Heroic Age
Contact: Dr. Larry Swain,
The "dark" fifth century has continued to be a source of debate among scholars. During this century, Roman Gaul became Frankia, the Roman provinces of Britain transformed into small kingdoms, some of them Germanic in nature, others Romano-Celt. Wales, the last region colonized by Rome and the most difficult for them to conquer, at least in the south maintained an intellectual and cultural (and religious) tradition rooted in a Roman inheritance. If Gildas and Nennius are to be believed, it is during this period somewhere that the figure or figures that became the Arthur of the Matter of Britain moved.
The Heroic Age celebrates its twentieth year in 2019–2020. Our inaugural issue examined early traditions of Arthur. With this session, we wish to both look back at that first issue but also look forward to uncovering new studies in Late Antiquity. We invite interdisciplinary submissions that examine the tumultuous changes in the fifth century.

Becoming Roman/Becoming Barbarian: Cultural Assimilation and Resistance in Late Antiquity

Sponsor: The Heroic Age
Contact: Dr. Larry Swain,
From the reign of Diocletian ending in 306 CE until well into the so-called High Middle Ages, issues of identity in the West revolved around how one identified oneself: as a Roman, or a Gaul, or a Burgundian, and how even were those terms understood. Many of the early kingdoms issues new law codes, such as the Burgundian code, which included separate definitions and treatment if one were "Roman" or other in order to define identities, for example. The purpose of this session is to examine the adoption of an identity or the transitioning to a new identity in formerly Roman provinces during the Late Antique period. Whether Roman senatorial classes in Gaul following a Germanic overlord, a Germanic chieftain dressing and establishing a court in imitation of the Roman emperor, or any of another myriad issues of cultural, political, religious, or linguistic identification in the period, this session seeks to explore how people in former Roman provinces identified themselves, and if recoverable, why, as Romans, Barbarians, or other, or conversely, how they identified others.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

*With apologies for cross-posting*

*Still accepting submissions*

The Anglo-Saxon Hagiography Society (ASHS) is once again sponsoring
two sessions at the Kalamazoo International Congress in 2019. The
panels for these sessions have not been prearranged, and we are still
actively accepting abstracts for both sessions! We are looking for
submissions on these broad topics:

(1) Anonymous Anglo-Saxon Saints’ Lives

(2) The Global (in the) Anonymous Anglo-Saxon Saint's Life

The ASHS sessions have become an established platform for sustained
conversation about and exploration of anonymous hagiography, in both
the vernacular and Latin, of Anglo-Saxon England. The last few years
have marked considerable changes in the field of early medieval
studies, including a push for a more inclusive, more diverse, more
global perspective of both our own contemporary field as well as of
the medieval worlds we study. In light of this, we invite submissions
for papers dealing with anonymous Anglo-Saxon saints’ lives that
reflect a global view, whether in the geographic location of the
saint, the presentation of the text’s content and ideologies, or the
reception history of a particular saint or life. Our second session
with open topic will feature papers that treat any aspect of anonymous
Anglo-Saxon saints’ lives. We hope to continue to use Kalamazoo as an
opportunity to build an inclusive community of scholars, to nurture
junior scholars, and to demonstrate the diversity inherent in the
sources we study. We invite scholars at any stage in their career to
share their work on anonymous hagiography.

Submit abstracts by September 15 to:
Robin Norris (RobinNorris AT<>)
Johanna Kramer (Kramerji AT<>)

Meanwhile, feel free to contact either of us with questions.

The co-organizers,
Robin Norris, Carleton University
Johanna Kramer, University of Missouri-Columbia

Friday, September 7, 2018

Dear colleagues,
As the deadline approaches, a brief reminder that the organizers of
Shifting Frontiers XIII (being held March 14-17, Los Angeles) are now
accepting paper proposals. We invite papers examining the impact and
response of communities and individuals to "disasters" (defined
broadly as economic, environmental, political, religious, cultural
upheaval). Paper proposals should be received no later than October 1,
2018, and may be sent to For more details, please
visit the webpage link:<>
Any questions may be addressed to Shane Bjornlie at
On behalf of the Shifting Frontiers XIII organizers, msb

M. Shane Bjornlie, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Roman and Late Antique History

Chair, Department of History, Claremont McKenna College

"The most attentive imitator of the ancients is the noblest instructor
of moderns", Cassiodorus, Variae 4.51.2

"Behold, therefore, how much one who is able to instruct so many ought
to know", Cassiodorus, Variae 7.5.5