Monday, February 25, 2013

three-year doctoral fellowship

Could you please circulate information about a three-year doctoral fellowship announced at the University of Oslo in connection with the research project "Graphicacy and Authority in Early Europe (c. 300–1000)". The official call for this position is available at the following link: 
The application deadline is April 30, and the successful applicant will start his/her doctoral studies from 2013/14 academic year. The doctoral thesis at the university of Oslo can be written and defended in Norwegian or English.
It is important to notice that the doctoral positions in Norway are considered the first fixed-term academic jobs, and a prospective PhD candidate is expected to submit the doctoral dissertation for defense by the end of the three-year employment period. This means that potential applicants for this position will be applying with their own doctoral projects in the field of early medieval history and a clear plan of doctoral research. Therefore, the quality of a doctoral project, its achievability within three years, and its relevance to the announcement will directly affect the selection process and an applicant's suitability for the position announced. 
The prospective applicants who have questions regarding the suitability of their intended projects to this call are welcome to send their inquiries directly to me.  
With kind regards,
Ildar Garipzanov
Ildar H. Garipzanov, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1019, Blindern
0315, Oslo
Phone: (47) 22841937

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