Monday, September 27, 2010

CFP: Shifting Frontiers

> Call For Papers
> Deadline:November 15, 2010
> The Society for Late Antiquity announces the Ninth Biennial
> Conference on Shifting
> Frontiers in Late Antiquity, to be held at Penn State University
> (University Park)
> June 23-26, 2011. The conference will explore the theme of “Politics in Late
> Antiquity, ca. 200-700.”
> Along with the cultural and religious transformations of the late Roman and
> post-Roman eras, the political culture of the empire was transformed,
> from the aristocratic and senatorial monarchy of the early empire to the
> equestrian and military government of the third and fourth centuries to the
> emerging Christian monarchy of the Theodosian empire and beyond.
> Each of these
> traditions had a long afterlife in the post-Roman West and Byzantine East.
> The Program Committee seeks contributions that address any aspect
> of the political
> life of late antiquity, with particular emphasis on 1) the
> functioning of Roman and
> post-Roman government and the tensions between center and periphery
> 2) the gap
> between rhetoric and reality in the practice of politics 3) the material
> expressions of politics and government, as reflected in art,
> architecture, and
> archaeological evidence.
> As in the past,the conference will provide an interdisciplinary
> forum for historians,
> philologists, art historians, archaeologists, and specialists in the early
> Christian, Jewish and Muslim worlds to discuss a wide range of European,
> Middle-Eastern and African evidence for cultural transformation in late
> antiquity. Proposals should be clearly related to the conference
> theme, stating
> both the problem to be discussed and the nature of the presenter’s
> conclusions.
> Abstracts of no more than 500 words, for 20-minute presentations,
> should be sent as email (attachments in MS Word only) addressed to:
> Professor Michael Kulikowski
> c/o Tiffany Mayhew
> 108 Weaver Building
> Dept of History
> Penn State University
> University Park,
> PA 16802
> Phone: (814) 865-1367
> Email:

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