Wednesday, September 29, 2010

32nd Annual Medieval and Renaissance Forum

Plymouth State University
32nd Annual Medieval and Renaissance Forum

Friday and Saturday April 15-16, 2011

*Call for Papers and Sessions*

"Love, Friendship, Marriage"

We invite abstracts in medieval and Early Modern studies that consider how
secular and religious love, affection, and devotion were perceived and
expressed in a variety of contexts.

Papers need not be confined to the theme, but may cover many aspects of
medieval and Renaissance life, literature, languages, art, philosophy,
theology, history and music. Student sessions with faculty sponsorship

This year's keynote speaker is Dr. Thomas Luxon, Professor of English
and Cheheyl
Professor and Director of the Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of
Learning at Dartmouth College. Dr. Luxon has published widely on Milton,
Shakespeare, and Early Modern England. He is the author of *Single
Imperfection: Milton, Marriage and Friendship **(*Duquesne University Press,
2005), and *Literal Figures: Puritan Allegory and the Reformation Crisis in
Representation **(*The University of Chicago Press, 1995), and the
creator/editor of *The Milton Reading Room*, a web edition of Milton's
poetry and selected prose.

The conference will conclude with a lesson in Renaissance dance and a
performance by the Ken Pierce Dance Company.

Students, faculty, and independent scholars are welcome.

For more information visit


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Anonymous said...

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thanks in advance!

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