Tuesday, September 6, 2022

 Dear Late and Medieval Latinists,


Our Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Latin Roundtable on Translation and our Paper Session went very well at Kalamazoo in May 2022! Here, accordingly, is the DOML Medieval Latin Series' Call for Abstracts for the 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies (May 11–13, 2023). 


“Cookin' from scratch”: Good Things in Small Packages I–II
Sponsored by: Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library
Cosponsored by: Platinum Latin
Contact: Danuta Shanzer
Modality: Virtual
Close reading matters. Likewise being puzzled when appropriate. Have you thought long and hard about, or worried at, a passage? Has your thinking made an interesting difference to the text’s constitution, meaning, and significance? If your paper can show an audience how to find, define, and tackle problems, and if it effectively connects something deep in a text with a bigger picture, please send us an abstract! We seek intriguing readings of Latin texts from Late Antiquity to the later Middle Ages. Detailed handouts and/or a Powerpoint presentation, please. We want to read and think with you.


We hope that you find The Call tantalizing and that you may want to present at these fully virtual sessions.


Your deadline for abstract submission is 15 September. We need to finalize our program by 15 October.


Nota bene: the official proposal can only be made and accepted through the Confex Proposal portal here:  https://icms.confex.com/icms/2023/cfp.cgi


If you have any questions, do write me at:  danuta.shanzer@univie.ac.at


With all kind regards,


Danuta Shanzer


Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Danuta Shanzer

Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein HP 252

Universität Wien

Universitätsring 1

A-1010 Wien


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