Tuesday, September 5, 2017

CFP: ‘Memories of the Anglo-Saxon Mission’ (IMC Leeds, 2-5 July 2018)
(Extended deadline CFP: 20 September 2017)

These sessions at IMC hope to bring together papers that deal with the memories of the Anglo-Saxon mission. Paper proposals are welcome from all disciplines, including literary studies, art history, history, religion studies and archaeology.

Possible topics/themes include but are not limited to:

-        Constructions and representations of the Anglo-Saxon mission in medieval and modern historiography.
-       The representations of missionaries in art history
-       Hagiography on individual missionaries
-       The development of cults of individual missionaries
-       The Anglo-Saxon mission and gender (e.g., the representation of male and female missionaries)
-       Remembering the Anglo-Saxon mission in England and on the Continent

Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words to Thijs Porck (Leiden University; m.h.porck@hum.leidenuniv.nlilto:m.h.porck@hum.leidenuniv.nl>) by September 20, 2017.

(for full CfP please see attached)

Dr. M.H. (Thijs) Porck

Assistant Professor Medieval English
Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS)
Department of English
P.N. van Eyckhof 4, room 101a
PO Box 9515, 2300 RA  Leiden, The Netherlands
E-mail m.h.porck@hum.leidenuniv.nlilto:m.h.porck@hum.leidenuniv.nl>
Personal website: http://www.dutchanglosaxonist.com
Institutional website http://www.hum.leiden.edu/lucas/organisation/members/porckmh.html
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thijsporck

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