Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lindsay Young Visiting Fellowships

The Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies announces the first Lindsay Young Visiting Fellowships. Thanks to the generosity of the Aslan Foundation, the Institute will offer Visiting Fellowships beginning January 1, 2009. These non-service Fellowships are intended to bring scholars from Tennessee and the neighboring region to UTK, where they can make use of research resources in medieval and Renaissance fields to further their research agendas and take part in the intellectual life of the Institute. Fellowships are open to scholars at all regional institutions of higher education and credentialed independent scholars, but preference will be given to faculty teaching in the state of Tennessee. The tenure of the Visiting Fellowship is variable according to the requirements of an individual's research plan and will carry a stipend of $600/week for a period of between one and ten weeks. The costs of travel to and from Knoxville are also covered by the Fellowship. Vi siting Fellows are encouraged to arrange their plans to take advantage of the various symposia and workshops offered by the Institute (a schedule can be viewed at ). Fellows will have library privileges for the duration of their Fellowship and are expected to acknowledge the support of the Institute in publications arising from their tenure of the Fellowship. Applications, including curriculum vitae and a detailed research plan, should be sent to Prof. Michael Kulikowski, Riggsby Director, Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996.

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