Friday, February 11, 2022

Call for Papers – Latin Song in the Medieval World

CFP: Latin Song in the Medieval World: Creation, Circulation, and Performance

Currently seeking abstract submissions for an edited volume titled Latin Song in the Medieval World: Creation, Circulation, and Performance (edited by Mary Channen Caldwell and Anne-Zoé Rillon-Marne). A full description of the proposed volume in the CFP is available here:

Essays collected in Latin Song in the Medieval World will explore the nebulous and porous boundaries and identities of medieval Latin song by means of novel methodologies, theoretical and analytical perspectives, and interdisciplinary approaches. Importantly, this volume seeks to understand the complexities of Latin song traditions beyond the text|music binary, embracing approaches that privilege the cultural and social situatedness of Latin song and its multivalence across place and time. Ideally, contributions will bring the study of Latin song into dialogue with contemporary trajectories in musicology and medieval studies by engaging critical lenses employed in study of, for example, vernacular song and lyric, polyphony, and plainchant.

Submission Details

Contributions will not be limited geographically, and explorations of Latin songs and sources outside of Europe are encouraged within the flexible chronological boundaries of ca. 900-1500 C.E. Abstracts (single or co-authored) should fall between 300 and 500 words in length, and may include a brief bibliography. Abstracts are due by April 30, 2022 through Google Forms (, and authors will be informed of the status of their abstracts by May 30, 2022. We anticipate being able to accept 8-10 proposals. Once the chosen abstracts and finalized proposal are sent to the press for peer review, the final drafts of the essays, if accepted, will be due after April 2023 for publication in 2024. Each full-length essay will fall between 8,000 and 10,000 words (inclusive of notes) and will be subject to peer review. The volume will be published fully in English, but contributions in other languages are possible (translations will be facilitated by author(s) and/or the editors).

Please contact Mary Channen Caldwell ( or Anne-Zoé Rillon-Marne ( with any questions.

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