Friday, June 4, 2021

 # Digital Classicist Seminar Berlin: Call for Papers (EN) 2021

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the eighth series of
the Digital Classicist Seminar Berlin, organised by the “Zentrum
Grundlagenforschung Alte Welt” of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of
Sciences and Humanities together with the Berliner Antike-Kolleg. The
seminar will run during the winter term of the 2021/22 academic year.

We invite submissions on any kind of research that innovatively employs
digital methods, resources or technologies in order to enable a better
or new understanding of the ancient world. We especially encourage
contributions which show how computer assisted technologies provide
answers to questions intrinsic to a field of research or to questions of
interdisciplinary interest.

Presentations may cover one of the following topics which make the
cultural heritage accessible and deepen our understanding of it: machine
learning, linked open data and the semantic web, spatial and network
analysis, natural language processing, image processing and
visualisation, 3D developments, techniques to be used for an open
science, digital (critical) editions, and any other digital or
quantitative methods. Other and new ideas are very welcome!

Abstracts of 300-500 words maximum (bibliographic references excluded)
should be uploaded as PDF file by midnight (CEST) on 31 July 2021 to Please note your contact
details on the first (otherwise empty) page. We do accept abstracts
written in English as well as in German, and the presentations can also
be held in either language. When submitting the same proposal for
consideration to multiple venues, please do let us know.

Seminars will run fortnightly on Tuesday evenings (16:15-17:45) from
October 2021 until February 2022. The full programme will be finalised
and announced in August. We endeavour to provide accommodation for the
speakers and contribute towards their travel expenses. If possible, we
prefer a physical presence of the lecturer, but of course a digitally
held lecture is also possible. Unless it is absolutely necessary to do
without presence, the seminar will always take place in hybrid form.

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