Friday, July 26, 2019

Fourth International Symposium of Mens et Mensa: Society for the Study of Food in the Middle Ages
> “At the Medieval Table: Cooking, Cultures and Customs”
> Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey
> New Brunswick, NJ October 18, 2019
> Proposals for papers or sessions may address any aspects of culinary and eating customs, culinary texts and artefacts, or artistic representations of food, cooking or eating in the Middle Ages.
> Papers are limited to 20 minutes reading/presentation time. Proposals for sessions or workshops must include e-mail addresses; paper abstracts; and short c.v. of presenters and organizers.
> Deadline: August 12, 2019
> To be considered, interested participants must provide by August 12, 2019:
> - an abstract of 150 words
> - a one-page c.v. indicating full name; institutional affiliation (if any); email address; postal address; telephone number
> Please send paper abstract and c.v. as email attachments to Ana Pairet at
> Please note that:
> - Sessions will take place in the Academic Building, 15 Seminary Place, New Brunswick, N.J.
> - All authors of proposals must be paid members of Mens et Mensa (USD $20 per year):
> Ana Pairet
> Associate Professor of French
> Rutgers University
> 15 Seminary Place
> New Brunswick NJ 08904

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