Thursday, December 13, 2018


Via Alicia M. Dissinger:


*Deadline*: January 15, 2019

The Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
announces the summer session focused on the teaching of Medieval
Greek, from June 30 to July 31, 2019.

Founded in 1881, the American School is the most significant resource in
Greece for American scholars in the fields of ancient and post-classical
studies. One of the two major research libraries of the School, the
Gennadius Library, which houses over 146,000 volumes and archives, is
devoted to post-classical Hellenic civilization.

The Library invites applications for a month-long Summer Session for
Medieval Greek at the Intermediate to Advanced Level. The objective is to
familiarize students who have a sound foundation in Classical Greek with
Medieval Greek language and philology by exposing them to primary sources,
different kinds of literary genres, paleography and epigraphy, drawing on
the resources of the Gennadius Library. The two Professors leading the
session are Professor Alexander Alexakis, University of Ioannina
and Professor Stratis Papaioannou, Brown University/University of Crete.

The month-long full-time program will include daily translation of
Byzantine texts; introduction to Greek paleography and Byzantine book
culture; use of the collections of the Gennadius Library; visits to area
museums and libraries including the Byzantine, Benaki, and
Epigraphical Museums; and visits outside Athens including Corinth,
Mistra, Thessaloniki, and Hosios Loukas. Individual tutorials and
assignments for each student will be determined by specific needs and
field of study. The language of instruction is English. Participants should
plan to arrive on June 30 and depart on July 31.

The program is offered at the intermediate to advanced level for up to
twelve students enrolled in graduate programs in any field of late antique,
post-antique, Byzantine or medieval studies at any university worldwide;
preference may be given to students who have limited access to instruction
in Byzantine Greek at their home institutions. A minimum of two years of
college-level or post-doctoral Classical Greek (or the equivalent) is
required. If there are available slots, faculty or postdoctoral scholars
affiliated with any university worldwide may also be considered. *A
diagnostic test (available electronically) may be administered to finalists
before the final selection of students is made.*

*Academic Credit*
The American School is not a degree-granting institution. No grades are
given for its programs, nor are transcripts provided. Upon request, an
optional final exam at the end of the program may be provided and the
directors will write a letter to the participant's home institution,
recommending that credit be granted, provided that the student has
satisfactorily participated in the program and passed the final exam.

*Costs and Scholarships*
Twelve Leventis Foundation scholarships cover the costs of tuition, School
fees, housing, required travel within Greece, and museum and site
fees. International airfare to and from Greece, meals, and incidental
expenses are the participant's responsibility.

Submit online application, curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation
(one from the academic advisor and one from a Greek language
teacher). Direct link to application:

Applicants are required to submit scans of academic transcripts as part of
the online application. Application fee is US$25.

Web site: or


The selection results will be announced March 15.

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on
the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, ethnic
origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership
or application for employment.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, 6–7 June 2019
Call for Papers
Glossing, the practice of annotating manuscripts between the lines and/or in the margins, was a widespread cultural practice wherever texts were being written, read, studied, and taught.
This event follows on from another held at the National University of Ireland, Galway, on 21–22 June 2018. Like the previous event, this two-day conference aims to bring together specialists from a large variety of fields to discuss aspects of glossing—in all its forms—from a comparative perspective. The organizing Network for the Study of Glossing ( connects scholars of glossing phenomena in a wide range of languages currently including Arabic, Breton, Chinese, German, Greek, Egyptian, English, French, Hebrew, Hittite, Irish, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Norse, Sanskrit, Syriac, Turkish, and Welsh.
We welcome participation from any researcher with an interest in glossing and related practices— regardless of language, region, or period. This includes possible themes such as glosses as discourse, glossing as evidence for reading strategies, glossing and translation, glossing scripture, glossing the law, commentary & transmission, glossing systems, editing glosses, and the comparison of crosscultural glossing practices.
A particular focus this time will be the way in which glosses are defined within the different traditions, what terminology is used to describe them and their functions, and, finally, the question whether a common terminology and typology could be developed to describe glossing traditions in general. It is envisaged that several sessions on the second day of the conference will be dedicated to this particular theme.
Papers should last 20 minutes, allowing 10 minutes for discussion. Papers and abstracts can be delivered in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, as long as a handout or PowerPoint presentation is provided in English.
Please send a title and abstract (250 words max) to Alderik Blom (
by 15 January 2019.

Some limited financial assistance for travel and accommodation will be available.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Religion and War from Antiquity to early Modernity:
Historical Varieties of a Recurring Nexus
King’s College London, 24-26 June 2019
Call for Papers
The conference, hosted by the Departments of Classics and War Studies, and the Sir Michael Howard Centre for the History of War at King’s College London, will mark the launch of a new international research network Religion and War through the Ages dedicated to exploring the nexus between religion and war as a recurring cross-cultural phenomenon attested in a great variety of historical societies from antiquity to the present and presenting a particularly poignant modern challenge.
What role do religious ideas play in human conflicts? Citing direct divine command or posing as guardians of divine interests, actively seeking divine approval or drawing courage from imagined divine support, armies from ancient times to the present and across diverse regions and cultures, have gone to battle with one another.  The conference will investigate specific historical cases and contexts that illustrate the influence of religion on war, from motivation to rules of conduct.  Major themes include: the demands of different sets of religious beliefs that in the past provided a cause for war; the conditions under which religious considerations became a dominant force among the reasons for and against war; the role religion played in escalating war or putting limits on violence and how that influence was felt; finally, how religion, in turn, was affected by the conduct of war in past societies.
With wide geographic coverage encompassing the Mediterranean basin, Near East, North Africa, and Europe, and taking Classical Antiquity as a starting point, but looking as far back as the second millennium BCE and forward to the Westphalian settlement of 1648, this conference will be a comparative and cross-cultural exploration of the persistent question about the role of religion in motivating, guiding, and explaining the causes and conduct of war.  
Confirmed speakers include: Ian Morris (Stanford), Anthony Spalinger (Auckland), Penny Roberts (Warwick), Amir Gilan (Tel Aviv), Ioannis Stouraitis (Edinburgh), Amira Benison (Cambridge).
Proposals from young researchers and established scholars in all fields of history (from Near Eastern Studies, Classics, Medieval and Byzantine to Early Modern) are now invited for papers of 20 minutes exploring historical cases that fit within the geographic and chronological framework outlined above and explore the influence of religion on war, from motivation and moral justification to rules of conduct.  Proposals, of up to 350 words, along with a very brief CV, should be sent to Irene Polinskaya ( by 15 December 2018.  Successful applicants will be notified by 15 January 2019.  A selection of papers will be considered for publication in peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
Inquiries may be sent to Irene Polinskaya, Alan James ( ) and Hans van Wees ( )

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Groupe de Recherches en Iconographie Médiévale / IMAGO

Douzièmes Rencontres du GRIM
jeudi 23 mai 2019 - Paris, INHA

Appel à communications et à inscriptions

Le GRIM –  Groupe de Recherches en iconographie médiévale – est un
collectif académique fondé par Christian Heck, qui s’intéresse à l’analyse
et l’interprétation des œuvres du Moyen Age, mais aussi aux corpus et
bases d’images qui les rendent possibles. Il est dorénavant lié à IMAGO,
association d’historiens de l’art liée au CESCM de Poitiers, et porté par
un nouveau comité scientifique.

Le GRIM organise des conférences ponctuelles (Les rencontres Imago, au
CESCM de Poitiers) et des journées d’études (à l’Institut national
d’histoire de l’art), qui sont ouvertes à tous, tout en donnant une place
notable aux doctorants et aux jeunes chercheurs (dès le Master 2).

Comme pour les précédentes journées du GRIM (les programmes sont
disponibles sur le site, onglet
Autres projets/GRIM), les communications dureront 20 mn. Elles seront
dédiées aux questions de méthodologie et d’historiographie, et non à la
présentation générale des fruits d’une recherche. Elles éviteront les
longues descriptions énumératives, pour se concentrer sur des dossiers
précis, et s’attacheront à en expliciter les cadres théoriques.

La journée d’étude du 23 mai 2019, qui aura lieu à l’INHA, s’intitule :
Matérialité, visualité et signification.

Les notions de matérialité et de visualité constituent aujourd’hui deux
champs de recherche majeurs dans le domaine des sciences humaines et
sociales. Centrées autour de l’œuvre comme artefact et comme chose vue,
elles permettent de nouer un riche dialogue entre l’histoire de l’art,
l’anthropologie, la culture matérielle et l’histoire des sciences et des
techniques, et elles renouvellent l’ensemble de l’interprétation
iconographique. À partir d’études de cas, il s’agira donc de poser la
rencontre entre le matériau, le signe et l’image, et de rendre compte des
méthodes d’analyse engagées dans l’étude.
On s’attachera tout particulièrement à la notion de support, sans que cela
exclue d’autres questionnements. Après le geste du peintre, du sculpteur,
de l’orfèvre, du brodeur etc., la matière devient une condition de
l’image. En quoi est-elle agissante, signifiante ? Ne fait-elle qu’un avec
son support ? Y-a-t il du jeu entre l’image et sa mise en œuvre technique,
ses matériaux ? De quelle manière les matériaux employés et leurs
caractéristiques visuelles peuvent-ils être questionnés ? Et si l’image
figure et imite parfois des matériaux (marbre, pierres précieuses,
éléments d’orfèvrerie), en quoi ces procédés jouent-ils un rôle dans le
discours du figuré ?

Les propositions de communications se feront par retour du formulaire
ci-joint en courrier attaché avant le 16 mars, à l’adresse suivante :

L'accès aux Rencontres du GRIM est ouvert à tous, et les étudiants de
licence et de Master sont cordialement invités à venir écouter les
conférenciers. Le GRIM ne disposant d'aucun budget, les intervenants et
les auditeurs s'adresseront aux centres de recherche dont ils dépendent
pour une éventuelle prise en charge des frais.

Le programme définitif sera établi et diffusé début mai, envoyé par e-mail
à toutes les personnes inscrites, et également disponible sur le site du

Les Responsables du GRIM

NB. Indépendamment de la journée d’étude du 23 mai, les chercheurs en
iconographie médiévale occidentale, byzantine ou islamique, peuvent, s’ils
le souhaitent, inscrire leur sujet d’étude et leurs publications dans le
Répertoire du GRIM, par l’entremise d’un autre formulaire ci-joint, à
remplir ou à mettre à jour pour les personne déjà inscrites.

Charlotte Denoël
Conservateur en chef, chef du service des manuscrits médiévaux
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Département des manuscrits
58, rue de Richelieu
75084 Paris cedex 02
tel: 0153798283
fax: 0153798900

Exposition  Les Nadar, une légende photographique  – jusqu'au 3
février 2019 | François-Mitterrand Avant d'imprimer, pensez à