Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Call for Papers for the International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 2016

Alfredian Texts and Contexts

Alfred and his circle continue to generate both academic and popular interest, and this session brings together papers covering a variety of facets of the king, his times, and his later influence. This session welcomes proposals from all disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches. Papers at past "Alfredian Texts and Contexts" sessions have treated manuscript studies, prose and poetic texts, military strategy, political and cultural history, religious studies, science and medicine, and Continental connections.

I am still seeking abstracts for this session; I do not set up sessions in advance but choose from the submissions I've received through September 15. I will forward any that I do not accept to the Congress for consideration for General Sessions, so please send abstract AND Participant Information Form (available in Word or PDF format at the bottom of this page: https://wmich.edu/medievalcongress/submissions) to ndiscenza@usf.edundiscenza@usf.edu
>. Nicole Guenther Discenza Associate Professor of English University of South Florida ndiscenza@usf.edundiscenza@usf.edu>

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