Sunday, April 3, 2016


Proposals on all topics in medieval studies are invited for TEMA 2016. Abstracts of individual papers and sets of abstracts for full sessions are equally welcome.
We especially hope to attract papers and panels contributing to the 2016 conference theme: in shorthand, –form–, but invoking any word sharing this root. The numerous –form– terms, though divergent in meaning, all pertain to organization, configuration, or structured relations. Virtually any topic in any discipline can be viewed through its engagement with these concepts. Those who wish to connect to the conference theme may seek intersections of their areas of interest with ideas of transformation, information, conformity/non-conformity, performance, formulation, reformation, or any other component of the far-reaching –form– network.
Papers may be delivered in English or Spanish. If the presentation language will be Spanish, please specify this. Send abstracts (in English) of approximately 200 words to Britt Mize ( no later than August 1, 2016. Early submission is encouraged: rolling acceptance will begin on May 31, 2016, and space may become limited after this date. Among proposals for full sessions, those including participants from more than one institution will be given priority. A prize will be awarded for the best paper by a graduate student (learn more).

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