Sunday, May 27, 2012

This is a call for papers for the Thirty-First International Conference
of the Charles Homer Haskins Society, held at Boston College
(Massachusetts, USA), between 2–5 November, 2012. The conference, held
over three days, is comprised of twenty-five twenty-minutepapers (we
have no concurrent sessions, so all conference attendees can attend
allpapers) and three longer talks by featured speakers.  This year’s
keynote speakers will be historians Elisabeth van Houts (Emmanuel
College, Cambridge)and Marcus Bull (UNC, Chapel Hill), and
Osteoarchaeologist Angela Boyle (who will speak to us about her analysis
of the human remains uncovered in the recently discovered Weymouth mass

The Society welcomes paper proposals in the fields and periods of
medieval studies to which Charles Homer Haskins, himself, contributed.
   Although the conference is primarily a European history conference
concerned with the years between the fall of Rome and the early
thirteenth century, we encourage the submisstion of historically-minded
literature, art history and archaeology papers.

We welcome proposals both for complete sessions (of three themedpapers)
and for individualpapers.  Please send one-paragraph abstracts and c.v.s
to the Program Directors, Robin Fleming and Sally Shockro, at
<>. Proposals will be accepted
between May 1 and June 1, 2012.  We will finalize the 2011 program by
August 1.

By 1 August we will also have the 2012 Haskins Society Conference
website up, which will allow you to register forthe conference on-line
and to make hotel reservations.

If you are unfamiliar with the Haskins Society Conference and would like
to get a sense of the conference, itspapers and its activities, please
take a look at the websitefor last year’s conference, which can be found at:

If you work in the field and are a friend or member of the Haskins
Society, please let us know if you have published a book in the last
twelve months, and we will add it to our website’s ever-growing list of
recent books found at:

If you would like to become a member of the Haskins Society (which comes
with discounted subscriptions to the /Haskins Society Journal/ and
/Anglo-Norman Studies/) or pay this year’s dues, please e-mail Mary
Francis Giandrea at <>.

For descriptions of the contents of the society’s journal, the /Haskins
Society Journal/, please see: 

   And if you would like to submit an article to our journal, please
e-mail the editor, William L. North,

Finally, if you have more general questions about the conference or
would like to be added or dropped from our conference e-mail list,
please contact us at:

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