Sunday, May 27, 2012

*selgā: a catalogue of primary source materials for Celtic studies

*selgā ( is a new online project for Celtic studies, published by the A. G. van Hamel Foundation for Celtic Studies, a Dutch non-profit organisation based in Utrecht. The project seeks to build a catalogue of texts and manuscripts, thereby providing a reference tool for studying written sources relevant to the field. The foundation intends to uncover a relatively untapped niche by making the catalogue available as a collaborative platform, which is based on the open-source MediaWiki software package. Scholars and students are invited to contribute to the project.
While comprehensiveness would be an unrealistic goal in the short term, *selgā has not been designed as a one-off, but as a continuous project which may be suited to accommodate smaller, more manageable ‘sub-projects’ under its umbrella. At present, over 500 texts – most of them in the realm of early Irish literature – have been indexed giving some basic information and citing relevant publications using an onboard bibliographic system. Links to online resources such as CELT and ISOS are generously included. New entries will be created and existing ones expanded and improved as the project develops.
Inquiries can be e-mailed to Dennis Groenewegen at selga[at]
The Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study, and King’s College London launched Early English Laws ( at 6.00pm on Tuesday 27 March 2012. Conceived as a ten-year initiative to publish online and in print new editions and translations of all English legal codes, edicts and treatises produced up to the time of Magna Carta, the project’s first phase is now complete. The work has been possible thanks to generous support from the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Early English Laws will be introduced by Michael Wood, and there will then be a brief demonstration of the website and database, followed by a reception in the Chancellor’s Hall, Senate House, University of London.

Between Heaven and Earth: Law, Power, and the Social Order in Late Antiquity

Between Heaven and Earth: Law, Power, and the Social Order in Late Antiquity,
13-16 September, 2012, Manchester, England
The format of the meeting will not be based exclusively on lectures. Rather, we envisage a mix of formats for generating discussion and exchanging expertise, including:
a)      PRIMARY SOURCE MASTER-CLASS  Contributors will pre-circulate key primary sources on a givien topic, and to lead or contribute to seminar-style discussion and/or evaluation of their significance
b)      HISTORIOGRAPHIC MASTER-CLASS Contributors will pre-circulate key secondary sources on a givien topic, and will lead a seminar-style assessment and/or re-evaluation of their significance. The sources can either be ‘landmark’ publications or publications whose importance has been overlooked or misunderstood.
c)      FIRST PERSON RETROSPECTIVE Contributors will offer a powerpoint talk or a seminar-style discussion of pre-circulated material, or a combination): In this case you would offer an informal overview of one or more of your own previous publications (similar to the American Academy of Religion ‘How My Mind Has Changed’ series or the Torino Petersen seminars).  Many scholars—and not only younger scholars!—will be intensely interested to hear ‘from the horse’s mouth’ what is really at stake in key publications.  This is especially true for publications that are not in one’s own native language—sometimes a clearer understanding of the landscape or context of a scholar’s work changes one’s understanding dramatically.
d)      OVERVIEW RETROPSPECTIVE involving a retrospective on a wider historiographical area
e)      ROUNDATABLE We welcome suggestions for plenary roundtables on key topics, along with suggestions of individuals who might contribute a five-minute ex verbal introduction of a pre-circulated handout.
f)       LECTURE (in order to make the most of the opportunity to exchange a deadline of 1 September is set for submission of lecture handouts.  This will allow them to be pre-circulated to other conference participants at the same time as the ask to please plan to pre-circulate your hand
Proposals should include a title, indication of source material to be discussed, and a short paragraph describing the argument (in the case of lectures) or theme (in the case of other formats) Please feel free to indicate an interest in more than one format for the material and  to get in touch with questions or suggestions! These should be addressed to Kate Cooper ( in the first instance.
Please find below a link to a website containing audio podcasts of the
conference 'Pagan and Christian', which some of you attended last
September. To access the podcasts click on the 'Conference Material'
tab. Please help spread the word, especially among students!

Patronage in the Medieval Arts

Patronage in the Medieval Arts

A symposium, Friday and Saturday October 5th and 6th 2012
Princeton University

Organized by The Index of Christian Art

Speakers will include:

Adelaide Bennett, Princeton University
Sheila Bonde, Brown University
Jill Caskey, University of Toronto
Robin Cormack, University of Cambridge
Anne Derbes, Hood College
Lucy Freeman Sandler, New York University
Aden Kumler, University of Chicago
Claudine Lautier, Centre André Chastel
Julian Luxford, University of Saint Andrews
Clark Maines, Wesleyan University
Nigel Morgan, University of Cambridge
Elizabeth Pastan, Emory College
Steve Perkinson, Bowdoin College
Morgan Powell,  Zurich University of Applied Sciences and Arts
James Robinson, British Museum
Corine Schleif, Arizona State University
Benjamin Zweig, Boston University-

Tironian Notes Resource

I would like to draw your attention to Martin Hellmann's outstanding
web-based resource for the verification and deciphering of Early Medieval
Shorthand, a.k.a. Tironian Notes.  His "supertextus notarum tironianarum" is
a magnificent achievement, and one constantly being enriched to our enormous
benefit.  Please find it, as below, via
 Martin Hellmann's deep understanding and years' of thoughtful and creative
toil on this wonderful instrument have made an enormous difference to my own
meager but needful progress with Notae.  A favorite turn of Lupus of
Ferrières, which Heiric of Auxerre constantly rewrites in the margins of
Lupus's letters in Notae, is "gratias habeo et ago."  My sentiment exactly,
and I expect that Heiric would approvingly rewrite and endorse that
sentiment in this case, too, as specifically and very sincerely directed to
Martin Hellmann.
This is a call for papers for the Thirty-First International Conference
of the Charles Homer Haskins Society, held at Boston College
(Massachusetts, USA), between 2–5 November, 2012. The conference, held
over three days, is comprised of twenty-five twenty-minutepapers (we
have no concurrent sessions, so all conference attendees can attend
allpapers) and three longer talks by featured speakers.  This year’s
keynote speakers will be historians Elisabeth van Houts (Emmanuel
College, Cambridge)and Marcus Bull (UNC, Chapel Hill), and
Osteoarchaeologist Angela Boyle (who will speak to us about her analysis
of the human remains uncovered in the recently discovered Weymouth mass

The Society welcomes paper proposals in the fields and periods of
medieval studies to which Charles Homer Haskins, himself, contributed.
   Although the conference is primarily a European history conference
concerned with the years between the fall of Rome and the early
thirteenth century, we encourage the submisstion of historically-minded
literature, art history and archaeology papers.

We welcome proposals both for complete sessions (of three themedpapers)
and for individualpapers.  Please send one-paragraph abstracts and c.v.s
to the Program Directors, Robin Fleming and Sally Shockro, at
<>. Proposals will be accepted
between May 1 and June 1, 2012.  We will finalize the 2011 program by
August 1.

By 1 August we will also have the 2012 Haskins Society Conference
website up, which will allow you to register forthe conference on-line
and to make hotel reservations.

If you are unfamiliar with the Haskins Society Conference and would like
to get a sense of the conference, itspapers and its activities, please
take a look at the websitefor last year’s conference, which can be found at:

If you work in the field and are a friend or member of the Haskins
Society, please let us know if you have published a book in the last
twelve months, and we will add it to our website’s ever-growing list of
recent books found at:

If you would like to become a member of the Haskins Society (which comes
with discounted subscriptions to the /Haskins Society Journal/ and
/Anglo-Norman Studies/) or pay this year’s dues, please e-mail Mary
Francis Giandrea at <>.

For descriptions of the contents of the society’s journal, the /Haskins
Society Journal/, please see: 

   And if you would like to submit an article to our journal, please
e-mail the editor, William L. North,

Finally, if you have more general questions about the conference or
would like to be added or dropped from our conference e-mail list,
please contact us at:

XXI Finnish Symposium on Late Antiquity
Tvärminne, Finland, 12-13 October, 2012
Popular & Elite: Religious Practices in Late Antiquity

(Please, feel free to forward this message to any relevant forum.)

The XXI Finnish Symposium on Late Antiquity will be organized on October 12-13, 2012. The aim of the symposium is to bring together students and scholars with an interest in Late Antiquity from a variety of universities and disciplines. This year, we explore broadly the interaction between popular and elite religious practices in Late Antiquity, but suggestions for papers dealing with other topics will also be considered. Our main aim is to stimulate interdisciplinary dialogue between philology, archaeology, history, theology, art history and other disciplines that deal with Late Antiquity. Geographically, the focus of the symposium is on the Mediterranean world.

The symposium will be organized in the premises of a zoological research station operated by the University of Helsinki at a beautiful location at Tvärminne on the southern coast of Finland ( It is organized by Classical Philology (Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki) together with an interdisciplinary organizing committee (see below).

This year's symposium features three specially invited speakers,

-    Guy Stroumsa (Oriental Institute, University of Oxford / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): 'Reading practices in early Christianity and the individualization process'. Prof. Guy Stroumsa is the specialist of intellectual and cultural history of ancient religions, especially early Christianity with a focus on esoteric traditions. He has published e.g., Hidden Wisdom: Esoteric Traditions and the Roots of Christian Mysticism (1996), Barbarian Philosophy: The Religious Revolution of Early Christianity (1999) and La fin du sacrifice: Mutations religieuses de l'antiquité tardive (2005, in English The End of Sacrifice: Religious Transformations of Late Antiquity (2009).
-    Sarah Stroumsa (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): 'Mass education and elite formation: the Almohad version'. Prof. Sarah Stroumsa is the specialist of ancient and medieval Jewish and Islamic philosophies. She has published e.g., Maimonides in his World: Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker (2009) and Freethinkers of Medieval Islam: Ibn al-Rawandi, Abu Bakr al-Razi, and Their Impact on Islamic Thought (1999).
-    Reidar Aasgaard (University of Oslo): 'Childhoods A.D. 400: Three saints on Christian upbringing'. Prof. Aasgaard is the specialist of ancient religions, esp. Christianity and the history of childhood. Among his publications are The Childhood of Jesus: Decoding the Apocryphal Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Eugene (2009) and My beloved brothers and sisters! Christian Siblingship in Paul (2004).

There is space for a maximum of eight more papers. If you wish to deliver a paper, please send a short abstract (of less than 300 words) by June 1st, 2012 to Dr. Ville Vuolanto ( Applicants will be informed by late June whether they have been accepted. We have reserved 30 minutes for each presentation, including discussion following the paper. Therefore, we recommend limiting the papers to 15 minutes.

The seminar is free. We will offer transportation from Helsinki to Tvärminne and back, as well as accommodation, meals, coffee and sauna at Tvärminne. However, we are not able to cover the costs for travelling to Helsinki first, or accommodation there. Registration for the conference will start August 15th, 2012.

The Finnish Symposium on Late Antiquity is organized annually since 1992. It started as a Finnish-language seminar for postgraduate students. However, over the years, more and more papers were presented by established scholars. Moreover, in many years, a few well-known scholars were invited from abroad, and the language of the symposium was changed to English, thus making it more and more international. This year, for the second time, we do not only have a few specially invited guests from abroad, but we invite suggestions for papers from anyone who is interested. In keeping with the symposium’s traditions, we encourage not only senior, but also junior scholars and postgraduate students to participate.

The organizing committee:
-    Maijastina Kahlos (Classics, University of Helsinki)
-    Ulla Tervahauta (Biblical Studies, University of Helsinki)
-    Ville Vuolanto (History, University of Tampere)

Digital Classicist & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar, Summer 2012

Digital Classicist & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar, Summer 2012 (Corrected version with link)

Digital Classicist & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar, Summer 2012
The full programme for the Digital Classicist & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar, Summer 2012 is available at:
Abstracts will be available shortly on the Digital Classicist website.
Call for papers
Orderic Vitalis:
New Perspectives on the Historian and His World

(9-11 April 2013, St John’s College, University of Durham)
The organising committee of the Durham University Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies conference 'Orderic Vitalis: New Perspectives on the historian and his world' invite abstracts from prospective speakers. This event, funded by the Durham University IMRS, will provide a forum for the dissemination of new research into the life and works of the monastic scholar, Orderic Vitalis. With plans already in place to publish a 'companion' volume on Orderic, this conference will aim to re-invigorate existing work and open new lines of research around a figure whose legacy has proven vital to scholars of the Anglo-Norman world.

While the conference welcomes papers on a wide scope of topics, we particularly invite abstracts for papers relating to the following areas:

·         The manuscript history of Orderic's Historia ecclesiastica.
·         Orderic's scholarly and scribal career away from the Historia ecclesiastica.
·         Orderic’s travels, administrative activities, and studies away from Saint-Évroul.
·         Orderic’s world view and his networks of knowledge-exchange and transfer.
·         The 'rediscovery' of the Historia ecclesiastica by early modern audiences, and Orderic's subsequent influence on the development of Anglo-Norman studies.
Prospective speakers are invited to submit abstracts of between 250-300 words, and should also include their contact details (name, affiliation, e-mail address). The deadline for submissions is 1 September 2012. Limited bursaries towards travel costs will be offered to postgraduate speakers. If you wish to apply for one of these, please indicate this when submitting an abstract.

For further information about Orderic Vitalis: New perspectives on the historian and his world or to submit an abstract, please email Charlie Rozier, at: or Dan Roach at:, or visit:
Enrollment is now open for these Newberry Center for Renaissance Studies fall 2012 programs for graduate students:

One-Day Research Skills Workshop: Reading the Early Modern Anglo-Muslim Archive
Led by Jyotsna Singh, Michigan State University
Friday, September 28, 9 am to 5 pm
Enrollment deadline: Friday, September 7

Graduate Seminar: The Conversion of Constantine, 312 to 2012
Instructor:  Richard Kieckhefer, Northwestern University
Thursdays, September 27 to December 6, 2-5 pm

Graduate Seminar: Latin Paleography
Instructor: Michael I. Allen, University of Chicago
Fridays, September 28 to December 7, 2-5 pm

For eligibility and prerequisites, see the links above. Enrollment for all these programs is limited; priority is given to students from member institutions of the Center for Renaissance Studies consortium (, and enrollment fees are waived for those students.


Faculty members and graduate students from member institutions of the Center for Renaissance Studies consortium may be eligible to apply for travel funding to attend these programs. See for details.

You have received this message because, according to our records, you are a faculty member or student at a member institution of the Center for Renaissance Studies consortium (, or because you have attended a CRS program. If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please write to To join our mailing list, or update your information, use this form:
Call for Submissions
Television Medievalisms

Desperate cries that Medieval Studies is a dying field can often be heard from medievalists these days.  Yet the Middle Ages seems to be thriving in popular culture.  In particular, television presents us with a wide and diverse array of “medieval” offerings.  Shows such as Merlin, Game of Thrones, and Camelot, amongst others, address a variety of audiences.  Many of these programs target younger audiences--for example, both Merlin and the made-for-TV movie Avalon High appeal to adolescents.  In the next few years, we can expect a revival of interest in Medieval Studies, a discipline to which our students will have been introduced primarily through television medievalisms.  Because this creates a need to examine these popular products in light of their focus on the Middle Ages, we welcome contributions to a collection of essays that explore television medievalisms.  Contributions dealing with television programs in English and/or other languages are welcome.  Scholars interested in the following areas are particularly encouraged to contribute:

?       Literary Studies
?       History
?       Communications
?       Gender Studies
?       Art History
?       Music History
?       Film History
?       Cultural Studies
?       Pedagogy

Abstracts of approximately 500 words and a brief academic bio should be sent to Dr. Meriem Pagès at by October 1, 2012.  Authors will be notified of the status of their abstracts by November 15, 2012.  Acceptance of the abstract does not guarantee inclusion in the volume.

Upon preliminary acceptance, contributors will be asked to submit articles of approximately 7,000 words by June 1, 2013. Editors reserve the right to reject articles that do not meet editorial standards. We anticipate a Winter 2014 publication date.



The Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association at the
University of Southern Mississippi to be held October 18-20, 2012 on the
Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Session title: Re-Membering the Monstrous
Organizer: Larissa Tracy, Longwood University

Disarticulated bodies and separated members populate the Middle Ages in a
variety of forms. From the cherished body parts of saints, to the reviled
limbs of criminals and monstrous creatures, dismembered and reassembled
bodies have a profound cultural significance throughout medieval Europe.
We welcome abstracts of 250 words on any form of dismemberment, physical
dislocation or separated members in medieval literature, art, language,
law, history, or archaeology.


Please email abstracts of no more than 250 words, with a brief
biographical note to Larissa Tracy:
Contaminating Bodies, Infectious Spectacles, Troubling Histories:
Women on Performative Display

Working Session for the American Society for Theatre Research Conference
Nashville, 1-4 November 2012

How do female bodies in performance trouble historiographic processes of looking, spectating, recording, and (re)performing? In what ways does the liveness and/or presentness of female bodies in performance—especially bodies considered excessive or infectious—trouble how women are written into theatre histories and how affect circulates through those histories? Related to Joseph Roach’s notion of “deep skin,” how might historically situated ways of seeing and/or historiographic methods contaminate the record of female bodies on stage? How might theatre historians and artists overcome these obstacles in their own practices?

This session expands upon the work begun during our 2010 and 2011 “Contaminating Bodies” working sessions. There participants considered questions related to media, modes of circulation, and affective production in order to examine how performance cultures across time and space have perpetuated notions of the female body as infectious and contaminating. This 2012 session continues to interrogate that theme but with greater attention to historical processes and historiographic methodologies. Although we encourage members of our previous working sessions to submit proposals, we also invite new voices and perspectives into this conversation. We encourage work from a range of historical periods, geographies, and theoretical frameworks.

We will organize participants into smaller working groups that encourage dialogue across disciplinary, theoretical, and historical boundaries. Members of these smaller groups will share project ideas, challenges, and resources by email before the conference. By October 1st, participants will exchange short papers (8-10 pages) within these smaller groups. Each participant will prepare brief written feedback about the other members’ papers, which they will exchange and discuss at the beginning of the conference session. We will follow this small group work with a larger conversation about conclusions and connections that emerged from this discussion, and possibilities for further study.

Please submit a 200-word abstract and brief bio to both Jen-Scott Mobley ( and Jill Stevenson ( by Thursday, May 31st. Feel free to email Jill and Jen-Scott with questions before that deadline. For more information about the conference, please visit:


There will be both the  traditional "Brick-n-Mortar" conference (Kent State University Stark) and (new) a "Cloud Conference" online for those who are unable to travel.  Student papers will be considered, but please also note and encourage your students to participate in the STUDENT ESSAY CONTEST (see below).

DEADLINE: June 1, 2012

Send titles and abstracts to:
Dr. Carol Robinson, Conference Chair 
Kent State University Trumbull 
4314 Mahoning Avenue, NW 
Warren, Ohio 44483
FAX: 330-437-0490

Is there diversity in medievalism? How has medievalism represented diversity of religion, race, nationality, ethnicity, sexuality, gender,...? How have medievalist works supported issues concerning equity and inclusion? How have medievalist works oppressed and suppressed? Are there elements of bigotry and discrimination? What about human rights as a medieval concept, as a contemporary concept? Media to consider might include (but are not limited to) any of the following: novels, plays, poetry, films, art works, the Internet, television, historical works, political works, comics, video games. Angles to consider might include (but are not limited to) any of the following: race, gender, sexuality, disability/ability, religion, corporation and/or class, nationality, human rights, political correctness, marginalization, anti-marginalization tactics, rewritten codes, rewritten ideologies, re-affirmed codes, re-affirmed ideologies.  

THE BRICK-N-MORTAR CONFERENCE STRUCTURE: This is being hosted by Kent State University Stark (October 18-20, 2012).  

THE CLOUD CONFERENCE STRUCTURE (password-protected): Those suffering from the weak economy, we will still be providing a conference experience online (at a cheaper rate).  The Cloud Conference part is being hosted fully online by MEMO and members of the KSU Trumbull Campus (October 15 to November 15, 2012).  Individuals will post papers (PDFs), videos (YouTube),sound recordings, or other media online which will be either hosted directly within the password-protected site or linked to from outside the site (as in the case for YouTube video presentations).  Anyone registered for the Brick-n-Mortar conference will have access to this part of the conference as well and be able to comment/discuss presentations in text format online.  

Publication Opportunities:
Selected scholarly papers related to the conference theme will be published in "The Year’s Work in Medievalism." 


DEADLINE: June 1, 2012

Send completed essays to:
Dr. Carol Robinson, Conference Chair 
Kent State University Trumbull 
4314 Mahoning Avenue, NW 
Warren, Ohio 44483
FAX: 330-437-0490

1. Students must be college undergraduates currently enrolled for for classes at their academic institution.
2. Essays must address the theme "Medievalism(s) and Diversity" (see description above).
3. Essays must be MLA formatted, double-spaced, and in 12 point font.
4. Essays must be submitted in PDF format via email or in paper format via regular postal mail to either Dr. Carol L. Robinson or Dr. Elizabeth Williamsen (see the addresses below).
1ST PLACE: The winning essay will be published in Medievally Speaking, be mentioned on the International Society for the Study of Medievalism web site, and receive $100.00 prize money. The paper will also be expected to be presented in a Special Session at the 27th International Conference on Medievalism.
2ND PLACE: The essay that earns Second Place status will be mentioned on the International Society for the Study of Medievalism web site, and receive $75.00 prize money. The paper will also be expected to be presented in a Special Session at the 27th International Conference on Medievalism.
3RD PLACE: The essay that earns Third Place status will be mentioned on the International Society for the Study of Medievalism web site, and receive $50.00 prize money. The paper will also be expected to be presented in a Special Session at the 27th International Conference on Medievalism.
HONORABLE MENTION: Any essay that earns an Honorable Mention status (which may or may not happen) will be mentioned on the International Society for the Study of Medievalism web site. The paper might also be invited to be presented in a Special Session at the 27th International Conference on Medievalism. 

Carol L. Robinson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English
Kent State University Trumbull
The 28th annual Conference of the Medieval Association of the Midwest
(Knowing in the Middle Ages) will take place September 27-29, 2012, 
at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. 
More details will soon be posted on the MAM website 
and some have appeared already in the last issue of Nuntia (also on the website).
 The deadline for paper proposals is July 1, 2012; questions and submissions may be 
directed to Dr. Stephen Yandell at:
We are pleased to announce the Royal Archaeological Institute 2012 Conference entitled 'Legacies of Northumbria: Recent thinking on the 5th - 14th Centuries in Northern Britain'
To be held from the 28th September - 1st October 2012 at the Mining Institute, Newcastle upon Tyne.
A Keynote Lecture on Friday, 28th September by Prof. Rosemary Cramp, on '50 years of Northumbrian archaeology: what we didn't know then, what we don't know now' will be followed by a wine reception. 
This will be followed by lectures on Saturday and Sunday from David Petts, Rob Collins, Graeme Young, Paul Bidwell, Chris Ferguson, Steve Sherlock, Paul Johnson, Colm O'Brien, Letty ten Harkel, Gareth Williams, Gareth Dean, Amanda Denton, Nick Baker, Lauren Whitnah, Andy Agate, & Robin Daniels. A full speaker listing, programme, and abstracts can be viewed at 

The conference will be followed by a coach trip to the early medieval sites of North Northumberland on Monday 1st October. Places at the conference and on the coach trip are strictly limited, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more details contact: or 

Conference Abstract:

The Early Medieval Kingdom of Northumbria occupied an area that transgressed modern political boundaries. Yet the archaeology and history of Northumbria continues to influence regional identities across Northern Britain in the 21st Century. Bringing together academic, commercial and local archaeologists, this conference will showcase new research and explore a number of themes including: the legacy of Rome and the prehistoric north during the formation of fifth and sixth century chiefdoms; the Golden Age of Northumbria; Northumbria in the Viking Age; and the role of Northumbrian culture in the High Medieval period.

Decoding Digital Humanities

Decoding Digital Humanities (DDH) London will be meeting again on

 * Wednesday 30 May 18:00 *

at The Plough, 27 Museum Street, London, WC1A 1LH

This month we will be reading:

McCarty, Willard (forthcoming). "The residue of uniqueness". The
Cologne Dialogue on Digital Humanities @ Wahn Manor House,
2012. Historical Social Research - Historische Sozialforschung.
<> [pre-print]

Please feel free to disseminate this announcement.

You will be very welcome to join us for a drink and to discuss
modelling, identity, and tech support.

South Atlantic MLA Convention

South Atlantic MLA Convention, Durham NC, November 9-11, 2012: Traveling
through Texts in / to the Middle Ages

Writers of the Middle Ages frequently wrote about travels—their own or
someone else’s—as a way to bring their contemporary readers to distant,
exciting, exotic, or holy places. But travel literature is not the only way
we as modern readers can journey through, to, or within the Middle Ages.
Medieval texts, by their very nature, require us to travel through time to
the Middle Ages, and many modern texts set in the medieval period encourage
us take the same journey. This panel seeks to explore how medieval texts
(and texts set in the medieval period) help us travel within or through the
place(s) of the medieval world, and / or these texts help us travel into
the Middle Ages, by taking us within medieval culture, philosophy, history,
and daily life.

Please submit abstracts to Wendy Hennequin ( or by June 15, 2012.
Please feel free to cross-post.

Musical Networks – The 2012 Echo Conference: October 19-20, UCLA

Musical Networks – The 2012 Echo Conference: October 19-20, UCLA
As the impact of digital networks on our lives increases, the logic of networks becomes a major factor in how we view and explain the world.  The implications of this logic for the study of music are numerous; communal structures (of kinship, authority, discourse, etc.), genealogical critique, histories of style, and narratives of artistic influence could all be reconfigured as networks.  Musical practices can result in relationships among individuals and communities; music is transmitted through media networks, virtual networks, networks of consumption, and through the interlocking networks that form among listeners, performers, and creators; and the exchange of musical sounds, idioms, and ideas can reveal how we create social and political structures. 
The goal of this conference is to examine the various implications of networks for the study music. Open to a variety of fields and methods, we encourage participants to experiment with how this term can relate to music, offer new ways of thinking about music, and re-think past practices and methodologies.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
-Music in virtual networks (including “social networks”)
-Music in media networks
-Musical communities
-Understanding music in relation to other arts or other fields
-Networks of musical content within particular works
-Musical institutions: schools, families, religious organizations
-Music and neural networks
-Music and historical genealogies
-Networks of musical distribution
-Musical collaboration
-Musical transnationalism
Proposals are due by June 30, 2012 and should not exceed 250 words. Please send proposals to in .doc or .docx format only. We also welcome proposals for panel discussions, lecture recitals, and other non-traditional presentation formats.