Saturday, November 7, 2009

Canadian Society for Syriac Studies

Canadian Society for Syriac Studies

University of Toronto

Annual Symposium IX

The Armenian and Syriac Symbiosis

Saturday November 14, 2009

Universityof Toronto: Earth Sciences Centre

5 Bancroft AvenueRoom 142


Annual General Meeting— For members of the CSSS only


Welcoming Messages:

Amir Harrak, President of the CSSS, University of Toronto

Arman Akopian, Armenian ChargĂ© d’Affaires, Ottawa


The Residual Syriac Presence in the Armenian Translation of the Bible
Claude Cox, McMaster Divinity College


“I have traded your plot of paradise for a barren desert” (Book of Prayers, 21)

Pablo F. Argarate, University of St Michael's College


Literary Interactions between Syriac and Armenian

Robert Thomson, Oxford University

12:15—1:00 Break, Refreshments


Syriac into Armenian: The Translations and their Translators

Edward G. Mathews, Jr., St. Nersess Armenian Seminary, NY

On the Shorter Syriac-Armenian Word List in Ms. Yale Syriac 9

Hidemi Takahashi, University of Tokyo


Babylon, an Armenian-Language Syriac Periodical:

Some Remarks on Structure and Language

Arman Akopian, University of Yerevan, Armenia
2:30 Concluding Remarks

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