Sunday, July 5, 2009

ALL FOR PAPERS *International Joan of Arc Society


*International Joan of Arc Society/ Société Internationale de l’étude de
Jeanne d’Arc*

*SESSION I*. "*TheTrial to Nullify Joan of Arc's Condemnation."*

While much discussion has focused on Joan's Condemnation Trial of 1431, the
trial that took place twenty five years later and nullifed her condemnation
verdict has been frequently overlooked. This later trial represents the
efforts of clergy and the ruling elite to right a wrong that had been
committed against a layperson by inquisitorial authorities, and the
nullification trial's complex dossier of interrogations, *consilia* and
judgments suggest new scholarly verdicts on the impact of Joan of Arc upon
her surviving generation.

*SESSION II*. *“Joan of Arc and Place: Frontier, Periphery and Center.”*

That Joan of Arc was a peasant who negotiated the urban world as well as a
laywoman who frequented the worlds of the ruling and clerical hierarchy of
fifteenth-century France are realities that figure both in the historical
documents of her era as well as in interpretations of her life by subsequent
generations. Possible paper topics may touch upon theories of social and
cultural movements, such as Frederick Jackson Turner's "Frontier Thesis" and
Kunio Yanagita's theory of "Centers and Peripheries," (to offer two

*A paper proposal comprises an abstract of no more than 300 words and a
completed “Participant Information Form,” which is available on the Congress
Web site:*

*Please e-mail paper proposal and “Participant Information Form to: *

*Jane Marie Pinzino at* by *9/05/2009*.

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