Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Texas Medieval CFP

TEXAS MEDIEVAL ASSOCIATION (TEMA) sponsored Session at the 44th
International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 7-10 2009:
Breakthroughs in Twentieth-Century Historiography of the Crusades.

This session invites submissions dealing with important historians of
the Crusades who produced works during the twentieth century that
gave impetus to new directions in Crusade studies, which may, or may
not have, have been followed up. The session will attempt to examine
Crusade historiography and the various frameworks of analysis that
scholars have used to understand the crusading movement. Likely
candidates for analysis include Carl Erdmann, José Goñi Gaztambide,
and John Gilchrist. Any other Crusade historian of note may be
selected. The primary criteria of selection should be based on
breakthroughs that scholars have made in the study of the Crusades
that have revolutionized Crusade scholarship or have the potential
for doing so. Many findings by pioneers in the field have not been
fully understood or absorbed by those that study the Crusades. A full
and complete understanding of the works of Erdmann, Goñi Gaztambide,
and Gilchrist, for example, has the potential of sending Crusade
scholarship in an entirely new direction and this session hopes to
facilitate this task.

Please send abstracts (no more than 300 words) to dkagay1@netzero.com
along with a completed "Participant Information form" (available on
the Congress web site at: http://www.wmich.edu/medieval/congress)no
later than September 12th, 2009.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like this journal because it is about the North-western Europeans.It deals about the history's,archaeology and literature's.It has more features about the biographies and documents of historical figures on primary source materials.
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