Friday, April 19, 2019

Dear colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to a two-week workshop titled
"Manuscripts in the Digital Age: XML-Based Catalogues and Editions," which
I am co-organising with Katarzyna Anna Kapitan as part of the European
Summer University in Digital Humanities at the University of Leipzig
between 23 July-2 August.

We have designed the course to benefit those who work (or want to work)
with medieval and early modern manuscripts and also learn new technologies,
specifically Extensible Markup Language and Text Encoding Initiative
Guidelines in order to both catalogue and edit manuscripts.

There are different scholarship options and the Summer School is open to
everyone--you do not need to be a student. There are a total of eleven
workshops running during the same two weeks as part of the Summer School.
Other workshops might be also of interest to you or your students, and it
is possible to take only one module/week of a workshop and combine modules
from two workshops, depending on your experience/background.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Deadline for applications is May 1.

Further information may be found here:

Kind regards,



Thursday, April 18, 2019

A Call for Papers:

"Writing Ancient and Medieval Same-Sex Desire: Goals, Methods, Challenges"
June 30-July 2, 2020
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand,-methods,-challenges

This call for papers is for a conference to take place June 30-July 2,
2020 at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, on the topic
of writing about same-sex desire in ancient and medieval societies.

Derek Krueger (UNC Greensboro), Mark Masterson (Victoria University of
Wellington), Nancy Rabinowitz (Hamilton College), and Shaun Tougher
(Cardiff University) will be providing  plenary addresses.

For several decades now, scholars have devoted attention to same-sex
desire in both ancient times and the centuries that followed. Not
surprisingly, there have been vigorous debates over how to go about
it. These debates have been framed in various ways. Here are some

  *   essentialism VERSUS constructivism;
  *   Foucauldian discourse analysis VERSUS approaches inspired by
  *   (the impossibility of) objective history VERSUS (overly)
subjective history;
  *   perception of commonalities across time VERSUS rigorously
historicizing insistence on the past's alterity;
  *   positivism VERSUS imaginative reconstruction of contemporaneous

These dichotomies, which are both reductive and don't exhaust the
possibilities, continue to crackle with contention. They also continue
to undergird and even disturb current scholarly endeavours. We are
looking for papers (30 minutes in length) in which scholars not only
speak about primary source material but also reflect explicitly on the
theoretical orientation of their work (see the dichotomies above for
examples) and the purpose(s) of (their) scholarship on same-sex
desire. An additional objective of this conference will be an edited
volume of papers that will aim to showcase a variety of approaches to
this important topic.

Please send proposals (c. 500 words) to Mark Masterson
by 1 December 2019. If you have any questions, please send them to him
at this address also.
In your proposal include
1) the primary source material/historical milieu to be discussed, and
2) the general theoretical basis of the work

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Call for contributions: The Life Course in Early Medieval England: Cultural-Historical Perspectives (deadline for proposals: 15 June, 2019)
> Building on four successful sessions at the International Medieval Congress at Leeds (2017; 2018) and a stand-alone conference in Cambridge (2019), we plan to publish an edited volume of papers that deal with how the complex concept of the life course (with all of its biological, social and cultural aspects) influenced the lives, writings and art of the inhabitants of early medieval England. A person’s tally of years could influence or even define one’s legal, religious and social status, as well as one’s attitude towards members of other age groups. The cultural definition and the social, legal and religious status of the life course in Anglo-Saxon England have rarely been explored outside the field of archaeology (e.g., works by Nick Stoodley and Sally Crawford). Nevertheless, texts, including homilies and Beowulf, as well as visual art, such as the illustrations to the Harley Psalter, touch upon various schematisations of the human life course as well as intergenerational dynamics, making the cultural dimensions of the life cycle in Anglo-Saxon England a promising field of research. More broadly, the concept of the life course may fruitfully be applied to material culture (‘the life course of things’).
> Paper proposals are welcome from all disciplines, including literary studies, art history, history, archaeology and lexicography.
> Possible topics/themes include but are not limited to:
> - Definitions, concepts, and constructions of the life cycle
> - The life course in art and literaturewhich may result in the rejection of a paper at a later date)
> •          Deadline first draft (6000-8000 words): 1 January 2020
> •          Feedback editors: 1 March, 2020
> •          Revised versions due: 1 May, 2020
> •          30 June 2020: Send book to publishers for peer review
> •          Publication in 2021
> Dr Thijs Porck - Assistant Professor of Medieval English
> Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
> Website and blog: <>
> Twitter: <>

Friday, April 5, 2019

CfP: International Conference: "V Medieval Europe in Motion:
Materialities and Devotion (5th-15th centuries)” – Mosteiro de Santa
Maria da Vitória (Batalha, Portugal), 7-9 November 2019
by Diana Winnifried Martins
*International Conference:* "*V Medieval Europe in Motion: Materialities and
Devotion (5th-15th centuries)” – Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitória
(Batalha, Portugal), 7-9 November 2019*

Org. Instituto de Estudos Medievais (NOVA FCSH) – Mosteiro da Batalha /
Direção Geral do Património Cultural – Centro de Estudos de História
Religiosa (UCP).

*Call for papers*

*Deadline*: 15th May 2019

The last decades have witnessed the development of studies on material
culture, favouring an inter- and multidisciplinary approach. This has enabled
a more cohesive reading of the way in which the medieval Man related to his
material environment, manipulating, adapting and transforming it, of the uses
given to the objects he produced, the meanings attributed, how he interacted
with them in cognitive and affective terms.

Summoning this dimension in the relationship with religion, devotional
practices, sensibilities and representations, carries a new set of questions
and necessarily calls for different knowledge in order to deepen
understanding and the interpretation of the relationship between medieval
religiosity and their material translations. From the images carved and
painted to the buildings edified, from liturgical objects to reliquaries and
tombs, from books to personal objects of piety, from temples to the
inscription of the various forms of religious life, there are many domains
where the relation between materiality and devotion can be a prospect and a
problem. It intersects the material, functional, performative and aesthetic
dimensions with the different readings it calls for, the cognitive and
emotional apprehensions, the representations (erudite and popular) it
associates with, the practices that it sustains, the memories that polarize
and legitimize, the powers that were affirmed through it. It discloses the
diversity of variants such as wealth and social position, more or less
literate training, and gender differences.

The colloquium thus aims to be a broad space for debate, both in the
plurality of knowledge and in the diversity of sources, historical,
geographical and religious contexts (Christian, Jewish, Islamic and other),
and in analytical perspectives.


(scholars of all disciplines are welcome to apply with proposals for sessions
or individual papers):

*Official languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian*

*Deadline for the submission of proposals*: 15th May 2019

*1. Proposals for sessions of 3 speakers:*

Each session will have three papers of 20 minutes. The organizer should
submit the session proposal with all the relevant elements: name and
affiliation of the organizer, title of the session, names and affiliation of
speakers and moderator, title of the individual papers and abstracts.

*2. Proposals for individual papers:*

Individual proposals should be offered considering papers of up to 20 minutes
and include: speaker's name and affiliation, title and abstract of the paper.

All applications must be sent along with a title and abstract of no more than
250 words as well as a short CV of the applicants to: [1]

Successful applicants will be notified by 15th June 2019.

A peer-reviewed volume of selected proceedings will be published in 2020.

*Conference registration fees (per person):*

Registration fee includes:

Documentation, Coffee-breaks - € 30

Documentation, Coffee-breaks and Gala dinner - € 50

Documentation, Coffee-breaks, Gala dinner and three lunches at the Conference
- € 100

Accommodation should be booked and payed for by the participants; information
about hotels and other accommodations will be given, as required, by the
organizing committee.

*Organizing committee: *Institute for Medieval Studies of the Faculty of
Social and Human Sciences of NOVA University of Lisbon (IEM-FCSH/NOVA) /
Centre of Studies on Religious History (Catholic University – CEHR-UCP):
Carla Varela Fernandes, Catarina Fernandes Barreira, Diana Martins, João
Luís Inglês Fontes, Maria Filomena Andrade, Maria João Branco, Mário
Farelo and Miguel Metelo Seixas.

*Batalha Monastery / Direção-Geral do Património Cultural:* Joaquim Ruivo
and Pedro Redol

*Municipality of Batalha:* Rui Cunha


*Conférence Internationale “V Medieval Europe in Motion: Materialities and
Devotion (5th-15th centuries)” – Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitória
(Batalha, Portugal), 7-9 novembre 2019*

Org. Instituto de Estudos Medievais (NOVA FCSH) – Mosteiro da Batalha /
Direção Geral do Património Cultural – Centro de Estudos de História
Religiosa (UCP).

*Appel aux communications*

*Date limite: 15 mai 2019*

Ces dernières décennies ont été marquées par le développement d'études
sur la culture matérielle, en privilégiant une approche inter et
multidisciplinaire. Ce regard a permis une lecture plus intégrée de la
manière dont l’homme médiéval a interagi, a manipulé, a adapté et a
transformé  son environnement matériel. De ce fait, des visions plus
foisonnantes virent le jour sur les  utilisations qu’il donna aux objets
qu’il produisait, les significations qu’il leur attribuait, la manière
dont il les a utilisées au niveau cognitif et affectif.

La convocation de cette dimension dans les rapports maintenus par
l’individu  avec l’univers religieux, ses pratiques de dévotion, ses
sensibilités et ses représentations soulève un nouvel ensemble de
questions, tout en appelant nécessairement à des connaissances
multidisciplinaires, afin de mieux comprendre et interpréter la relation
entre la religiosité médiévale et leurs traductions matérielles. Des
images sculptées ou peintes aux édifices, des objets liturgiques aux
reliquaires et tombes, des livres aux objets de piété personnels, des
temples à l’inscription spatiale des différentes formes de la vie
religieuse, il existe de nombreux domaines où la relation entre
matérialité et dévotion mérite d’être adressée et problématisée.
Cette dernière se place au croisement de la dimension matérielle,
fonctionnelle ou performative et esthétique avec les différentes lectures
soulevées par celles-ci. Par ailleurs, cette relation s’envisage
également par le biais d’appréhensions cognitives et émotionnelles, par
les représentations (érudites ou populaires) qu’elle suscite, par les
pratiques qu’elle entretient, par les souvenirs qu’elle polarise et
légitime, de même que par les pouvoirs qui la mettent de l’avant. Elle se
révèle dans la diversité des variantes telles que la richesse ou la
position sociale, le degré de la formation académique ou les différences
entre les sexes.

Le colloque se veut donc un vaste espace de débat, aussi bien dans la
pluralité des savoirs convoqués et dans la diversité des sources et des
contextes historiques, géographiques et religieux (chrétien, juif,
islamique ou autre) aperçus, que dans des perspectives d’analyse et des
problématiques envisagées.


*(les chercheurs de tous les domaines de la connaissance sont invités à
soumettre des propositions de sessions ou de communications individuelles)*

*Langues officielles: anglais, portugais, castillan, français et italien.*

*Date limite de soumission des propositions: 15 mai 2019*

*1. Propositions pour les sessions de trois communicateurs*

Chaque session aura trois communications de 20 minutes. L'organisateur doit
soumettre la proposition de session avec tous les éléments les plus
importants: nom et affiliation institutionnelle de l'organisateur, titre de
la session, noms et affiliation des communicateurs et du modérateur, titre
des communications individuelles et résumés respectifs.

*2. Propositions de communications individuelles*

Les propositions individuelles concernent des communications d’une durée
maximale de 20 minutes, comprenant: le nom et l’institution
institutionnelle de l’appelant, le titre et le résumé de la

Toutes les propositions doivent inclure un titre et un résumé de 250 mots
maximum, ainsi qu'un CV abrégé pour les proposants et les liens vers leurs
pages institutionnelles à envoyer à: [2]

Les soumissionnaires retenus seront informés avant le 15 juin 2019.

Un volume de textes sélectionnés par arbitrage scientifique* sera publié
en 2021*.

*Frais d'inscription au congrès:*

Participation au congrès, avec droit à des pauses-café et documentation -
30 €

Participation au congrès, avec droit à des pauses-café, documentation et
dîner de gala - 50 €

Participation au congrès, avec droit à des pause-café, documentation,
dîner de gala et déjeuners (trois) pendant le congrès - 100 €

L'hébergement sera à la charge des communicateurs. L'organisation pourra
fournir les contacts des unités hôtelières locales et des prix

*Comité organisateur:* Institut d'études médiévales de la Faculté des
Sciences Sociales et Humaines de l'Université NOVA de Lisbonne (IEM-NOVA
FCSH) / Centre d'Étude de l'Histoire Religieuse (CEHR-UCP) Carla Varela
Fernandes, Catarina Fernandes Barreira, João Luís Inglês Fontes, Maria
Filomena Andrade, Maria João Branco, Mário Farelo, Miguel Metelo Seixas

*Monastère de Batalha / Direction générale du patrimoine
culturel:* Joaquim Ruivo et Pedro Redol

*Conseil municipal de Batalha:* Rui Cunha

for more information:

E-mail: [3]

Web: [4]

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