Sunday, April 23, 2017

Issue 17

On behalf of the Heroic Age board and my co-editor, I would like to announce the first parts of Issue 17!!  That will be further explained below. We are very happy to release these well-deserving materials out to our readers.

The forgoing also means the completion of Issue 16 of the journal. Truth be told, this issue has been done for some time, and I am just getting around to announcing it.  We have two articles in the general section and two related to Alcuin along with a translation of Alcuin’s De Virtutibus et Vitiis. The issue is rounded out with two columns and book reviews.

There have been a number of changes here at HA. Brad Eden who was our book editor, and has been since the beginning of The Heroic Age, has moved on to other projects. He does so with our very great and deep thanks for all the service he has done for the journal. For a time, Thjis Porck acted as our book review editor, but he too has moved on to other projects. So we now welcome Krista Murchison of Leiden University.

In addition to book review editor, columnist John Soderberg is now an associate editor as is Heather Flowers. Melissa Ridley Elmes and Richard Scott Nokes join our editorial board.  In addition we have new columnists!  Mary Kate Hurley joins us taking over and rethinking the Babel column. Richard Ford Burley takes over the Electronic Medievalia column from Dan O’Donnell who also has moved on to other projects though remains a stalwart board member.

Looking ahead, the editorial team has decided to change our release policy. Whereas since our inception we have released whole issues as the issue has been completed, we are now moving to a model that, at least in my view, is more consistent with our open source, internet environment. Now, we will release each column, article, or review as it completes our process and is ready, called a “rolling release.” Each issue will be a calendar year. And as fortune would have it, the current issue number coincides with the century’s year: 17.  So that’s all good!

We have growing pains. We have issues with not enough hands to do the work. Both co-editors teach 4/4 loads at their respective institutions plus carry on their own research and service requirements. Some who help are graduate students trying to finish dissertations. Some are undergraduates. Some are senior scholars lending a hand.  In short, HA is an all-volunteer organization and receives no support from any institution: neither in the form of graduate assistants nor in release time for the editorial team. So any help is appreciated.

The above paragraph outlines some of the issues we have in producing the journal. We welcome any new volunteers who would like to lend a hand. We need social media people, copy editors, section editors, coders, and of course authors! Both Deanna and I are working hard to ensure that the journal begins to appear more regularly, but that depends largely on how many capable hands we have assisting us.

Throughout the rest of this calendar year, additional articles, columns, and reviews will appear under the “current issue” tab, and I will try to make announcements as each is added. We are already in the planning stages for Issue 18, so if you have something you would like to submit for that issue, now is the time to send it in.

Thank you all for your support and patronage of The Heroic Age through the years. Believe it or not, our first issue was in 1999! I would like to especially thank my longsuffering co-editor Deanna Forsman, our associate editors, Heather Flowers and John Soderberg, my production assistant, Sarah Sprouse, and one of my former students, Nicole Mentges who provided copy editing services. And thank you for reading!

Friday, April 21, 2017

CFP: Women's Strategies of Memory: Representations in Literature and Art

by Emma O'Loughlin Bérat
Women's Strategies of Memory: Representations in Literature and Art
Call for Papers for panel(s) proposal at Leeds IMC 2018, 2-5 July
Memory, in the middle ages as now, was widely accessible to women as means of personal and political influence. Scholarship on the strategic and technical employment of memory in the middle ages has principally explored men’s practices. This panel focuses on representations of medieval women’s deliberate and strategic uses of memory in literature, art, and historical narrative.
We invite papers from any discipline, region and medieval period, which consider any aspect of the representation of women’s memory. We are particularly interested in women who perform remembering, forgetting, or recounting past events as a means of public or political power; and who manipulate histories or identities to construct or reconstruct the past, or to influence the memories of other characters. We also hope to explore women’s less conscious strategies of memory, such as forgetting as a way of compartmentalising traumatic emotions. Reexaminations of women who are accused (by other characters or the narrator) of errors of memory, such as forgetting, deliberate ignorance or manipulation of record, are also welcome.

Please contact Lucy Allen ( and Emma Bérat ( with an abstract of approximately 100 words and a brief biography by 30 July 2017.
Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity
Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies

Work in Progress
Remaking the Saint:
Antonius’ Life of Symeon the Elder
and the Cult of Symeon the Younger

Dina Boero
Hellenic Studies Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Supported by Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity
Respondent: John Haldon, History and Hellenic Studies

The cults of Symeon the Elder (d. 459 CE) and Symeon the Younger (d. 592) were linked in the minds of many late antique Christians. People, objects, and stories moved fluidly between the two communities. This presentation explores connections between Antonius’ Life of Symeon the Stylite the Elder and the anonymous Life of Symeon the Stylite the Younger. It argues that Antonius made use of the Life of the younger stylite as well as other textual and archaeological material pertaining to Symeon the Younger’s cult. Whereas previous studies of Symeon the Younger have examined the influence of the elder stylite on the younger, this presentation shows that influence was not unidirectional. Symeon the Elders’s cult-keepers reshaped the saint and devotion to him in light of growing veneration to his successor. By examining these two cults from the perspective of collaboration rather than competition, this paper illuminates the multifaceted symbolic world of devotion to saints.

Dina Boero holds a B.A. in Religion from the University of California: San Diego and a M.A. and Ph.D. in Classics from the University of Southern California. Her current book project, The Anatomy of a Cult, traces the history of Symeon the Stylite the Elder’s (d. 459) cult in the fifth and sixth centuries. In fall of 2017, she will take up the post of Assistant Professor of History at The College of New Jersey.

Thursday, April 27, 2017
4:30 p.m.
Scheide Caldwell House, Room 103

For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations, please contact the department hosting the event. Two weeks advanced notice will allow us to provide seamless access. If you would like to be removed from this list, please email The request must be sent from the email account you wish to have removed from the listserv. Thank you. If you would like to be removed from this list, please email Thank you.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Registration is now available for the Marco Institute’s 2017 Summer Latin Programheld at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The beginner/review course will run from May 16-July 7; the intermediate and advanced readings classes will meet May 30-July 7. Full details of the schedule and course descriptions can be found here:

We particularly encourage graduate students to participate in the program. Thanks to the generous backing of our donors, the program is free for people at UTK. The cost for non-UTK participants is $400.

To sign up, please complete the attached registration form (also available online) and return it to our Program Coordinator, Katie Hodges-Kluck, at or, by May 5.

The Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
601 Greve Hall
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Phone: 865-974-1859
Fax: 865-974-3655

Mailing Address:
915 Volunteer Blvd.
Dunford Hall, Sixth Floor
Knoxville, TN 37996-4065

Facebook/Twitter: marcoinstitute
Join the Friends of Marco Listserv:

On behalf of the conference organizing committee, I invite you to register for CAPAL17: Foundations & Futures: Critical Reflections on the Pasts, Presents, and Possibilities of Academic Librarianship, the fourth annual conference of the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians (CAPAL). We are excited to welcome our keynote speakers, Harsha Walia, a South Asian activist formally trained in the law and the author of the award-winning book Undoing Border Imperialism and, Lisa Sloniowski, Associate Librarian at York University and co-investigator on the SSHRC-funded Feminist Porn Archive and Research Project.
Registration for the conference is now open and available at the following link: Note that Congress fees are cheaper if you register before March 31st.
Please visit our website for further information and updates. The conference program will be released in the coming weeks.
Also, connect with other conference goers by following us on Twitter at #CAPAL17
Colleen Burgess, Communications Chair 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Call for Papers - 2017 Midwest Medieval History Conference

by Amy Bosworth
Your network editor has reposted this from H-Announce. The byline reflects the original authorship.
Call for Papers
April 11, 2017 to June 1, 2017
United States
Subject Fields: 
European History / Studies, Islamic History / Studies, Medieval and Byzantine History / Studies, Sexuality Studies, Women's & Gender History / Studies
Fifty-Sixth Annual Midwest Medieval History Conference
September 29-30, 2017
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan

Keynote speaker: Ruth Mazo Karras,
The University of Minnesota Twin-Cities
"Thou Art The Man: King David and Medieval Masculinites."

The Midwest Medieval History Conference is seeking papers for its annual conference. Papers addressing any aspect of the Middle Ages are welcome, however those addressing gender and women, the medieval environment and material culture, and digital humanities are particularly encouraged. In addition to traditional conference panels focusing on research, the MMHC also invites proposals on medieval history in the classroom or on public engagement. Friday afternoon sessions are dedicated to Graduate student research papers and submissions from Graduate students are encouraged
Submission deadline: June 1, 2017. Submit abstracts for papers or presentations to Amy Livingstone at
Contact Info: 
Amy Livingstone - Wittenberg University

Contact Email: 

Friday, April 7, 2017

Schaffen und Nachahmen
Kreative Prozesse im Mittelalter
Symposium des Mediävistenverbandes in Tübingen, 17.-20.3.2019

In der Gegenwart wird das Verhältnis von Schaffen und Nachahmen und deren Bedeutung für kreative Prozesse neu ausgehandelt: Die Postmoderne hat das Subjekt dezentriert und intensiv über den Tod des Autors diskutiert. Die Möglichkeiten, die erst die Informationstechnologie und das Internet eröffnet haben, generieren neuartige Debatten über die Grenzen von Urheberschaft und das Verhältnis von Original und Kopie, Zitat und Plagiat. Im Internet ist ein Urheberrecht kaum zu behaupten, „Copy and Paste“ sind längst Praxis. Hier werden Seiten gespiegelt, Aussagen, Bilder und Filme anderer Seiten kompiliert, Zitate nicht mehr angeführt, sondern verlinkt. Symptome dieses Wandels kreativer Prozesse sind etwa die Diskussionen über Helene Hegemanns Roman „Axolotl Roadkill“ (2010) und das Kompilieren als künstlerisches Verfahren oder auch die – durchaus politischen – Debatten über die Grenzen des Plagiats in der Wissenschaft.
Für das Tübinger Symposium möchten wir diese aktuellen  Veränderungen zum Anlass nehmen, nach dem Spannungsverhältnis von Schaffen und Nachahmen im Mittelalter zu fragen und uns so der Frage der Kreativität im Mittelalter zuzuwenden. Wir gehen davon aus, dass die Manuskript- und Objektkulturen dieser Epoche Vorstellungen, Diskurse und Praktiken hervorgebracht haben, die es in dieser Hinsicht zu analysieren lohnt. Zu diskutieren wäre auch, inwiefern die historischen Phänomene dabei gegenwärtigen Entwicklungen nicht sogar näher stehen als jenen der westlichen Moderne mit ihren spezifischen Konzepten von Autorschaft, Urheberrecht, Originalität, Plagiat. Damit ist selbstverständlich keine Rückkehr ins Mittelalter behauptet – sehr wohl aber die Frage aufgeworfen, ob sich das Verhältnis unserer eigenen Kultur zu den Kulturen des  Mittelalters noch ohne weiteres über dieselben dichotomischen Modelle der Alterität von Mittelalter und Moderne beschreiben lässt, wie es spätestens seit den 1980er Jahren vielfach üblich gewesen ist.
Der Spannung von Schaffen und Nachahmen bei kreativen Prozessen in dem weiten Zeitraum vom 6. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert wollen wir interdisziplinär besonders in drei Feldern nachgehen: Original – Kopie, Urbild – Abbild, Entkontextualisierung – Neukontextualisierung.
1. Original – Kopie: Die Unterscheidung von Original und Kopie ist seit jeher Teil historischer Kritik und deshalb in verschiedensten mediävistischen Fächern – von der Kunstgeschichte bis zu historischen Grundwissenschaften wie der Diplomatik – von zentraler Bedeutung. Die Übergänge zwischen Original, Kopie, Rezension, réécriture, Überarbeitung und neuem Text waren dabei aber in den Manuskriptkulturen des Mittelalters oft genug fließend. Daraus entspringen Phänomene, die aktuell nicht zuletzt für Editionen mittelalterlicher Texte diskutiert werden: Interessanterweise eröffnen gerade das Internet und elektronische Editionen Möglichkeiten, ein Charakteristikum mittelalterlicher Überlieferung und Textualität neu und präziser abzubilden und wissenschaftlich zu erschließen.
Zugleich hat die Forschung aber auch herausgestellt, dass das Verständnis der beiden Kategorien „Original“ und „Kopie“ wie auch deren Bewertung kulturell bedingt und historisch wandelbar sind: Zeitgenossen des Mittelalters konnten beispielsweise Kopien der Grabeskirche in Jerusalem auch dort noch sehen, wo ein heutiger Betrachter kaum eine Gemeinsamkeit zu erkennen vermag. Originalität konnte gerade in der neuen Zusammenstellung und Ordnung alten Wissens gesehen werden – oder sogar als problematisch eingestuft werden.
2. Urbild – Abbild: Die Zuordnung von Urbild und Abbild gehört zu den grundlegenden Konzepten neuplatonischer Philosophie und Theologie – in ihr drückt sich die Differenz wie die Zusammengehörigkeit zugleich aus; Abbildhaftigkeit ist so auch ein Partizipationsvorgang, in dem die Kreativität des Menschen als Nachahmung des göttlichen Schaffens verstanden wird. Ihre Bedeutung reicht aber weit über diese Bereiche hinaus: Übersetzungsprozesse etwa der hochmittelalterlichen Epik wissen gleichfalls um das komplexe Verhältnis zwischen einem nachahmenden Abbild und einem vorgeprägten Urbild. Kunststile entwickeln sich vielfach durch Nachahmung, so wie auch ganze Stadtensemble – Rom oder Jerusalem – in anderen architektonischen Kontexten abgebildet werden und Anteil an ihrem Urbild geben. Theologisch wird das Verhältnis grundlegend in der Frage der Gottebenbildlichkeit behandelt, aber auch im Blick auf liturgische Fragen wie im byzantinischen Bilderstreit oder im Eucharistiestreit im Frankenreich des 9. Jahrhunderts. Literarisch und rechtshistorisch ist zu fragen, in welcher Weise in früher einfach als „Fälschungen“ eingeordneten Nachahmungsvorgängen – etwa bei Pseudo-Isidor, Benedictus Levita oder Pseudo-Dionysios – im Abbildcharakter auch die Partizipation am Urbild mitschwingt.
3. Entkontextualisierung – Neukontextualisierung: Die beschriebenen Prozesse betreffen nicht nur Objekte als Ganze, sondern auch ihre Teile: Vielfach werden Einzelstücke aus ihrem originalen Kontext in einen neuen Kontext gesetzt. Zitate gewinnen einen neuen Charakter, wenn sie in einen anderen literarischen Kontext gesetzt werden, Spolien lassen das Original noch erkennen und dienen doch einem ganz andern Zusammenhang und werden mit neuer Bedeutung aufgeladen. Eklektizismus bedient sich mannigfacher Stücke aus anderen Zusammenhängen, um sie zu einem neuen Ganzen zusammenzusetzen. Durch Vorgänge der Zitation oder des Reframings erfolgt eine mannigfache Umsemantisierung. So entstehen vielfach Werke, die leicht als nachahmende Kompilation abgewertet werden können, in denen aber die Persistenz des Vorgegebenen und die schöpferische Kraft der Neukonstitution eine anregende Spannung eingehen: Vorgegebenes wird bewahrt, neu zum Sprechen gebracht oder kreativ weiterentwickelt.

Das Thema eignet sich für mediävistische Fachvorträge der im Verband vertretenen Disziplinen. Es bietet darüber hinaus die Möglichkeit, eine Podiumsdiskussion über Urheberschaft und Plagiat im Zeitalter des Internets zu veranstalten, in der in produktiver Weise mediävistische Forschung mit gegenwärtigen Debatten vernetzt werden könnte. Außerdem ist das Thema geeignet, Schülersektionen zu veranstalten – und auf diese Weise die Epoche des Mittelalters noch weiter in der schulischen Praxis sichtbar zu machen.

Zu den genannten drei Themenfeldern werden Vorschläge für Sektions- oder Einzelbeiträge sowie interaktive workshops erbeten:
Dauer einer Sektion: in der Regel 1½ Stunden mit drei Vorträgen (inkl. Diskussion).
Vortragsdauer: nicht länger als 20 Minuten.
Bei von Teams selbstständig gestalteten Sektionen oder interaktiven workshops mit drei oder vier Vorträgen ist darauf zu achten, dass die Rede- und Diskussionszeit die vorgegebene Sektionsdauer von 1½ Stunden nicht überschreiten. Ferner sollen – im Sinne der interdisziplinären Ausrichtung des Verbandes – bei drei Vortragenden mindestens zwei, bei vier Vortragenden mindestens drei verschiedene Fächer beteiligt sein.

Die Veranstalter sind Ihnen dankbar, wenn die Exposés folgendem Aufbau folgen:
· Nummer des Themenblocks (s. o., 1-3)
· Ihre Adresse (inkl. E-mail); bei Sektionsvorschlägen die Adresse des/der Verantwortlichen
· Exposé von maximal 7000 Zeichen (Sektionsvorschlag) bzw. 1500 Zeichen (Einzelvorschlag, workshop)

Die Veranstalter bitten darum, die zu Sektionen gehörigen Exposés nicht auch einzeln einzureichen. Es wird ausdrücklich begrüßt, wenn in den Teams auch Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen zu Wort kommen.

Bitte richten Sie Ihre Vorschläge, vorzugsweise per E-Mail mit Attachment, bis zum 28. Februar 2018 an folgende Adresse:

Prof. Dr. Volker Leppin
Evg.-Theol. Fakultät
Institut für Spätmittelalter und Reformation
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Liebermeisterstr. 12
D-72070 Tübingen

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

 Workshop on Corpus-based Research in the Humanities (CRH) with a special focus on space and time annotations ----
** Vienna (Austria) January 25-26, 2018 **


The Workshop on "Corpus-based Research in the Humanities" (CRH) brings together those areas of Computational Linguistics and the Humanities that share an interest in the building, managing and analysis of text corpora. The edition of this year has a specific focus on time and space annotation in textual data, backed by a keynote speaker with special interest in this aspect of corpus management.
The second edition of CRH will be held in Vienna (Austria) on January 25th-26th 2018 and will be hosted Austrian Academy of Sciences, University of Vienna and Technische Universitaet Wien.
The series of the CRH workshops continues that of the workshop on "Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities" (ACRH), the three editions of which were held respectively in 2011 (Heidelberg, Germany), 2012 (Lisbon, Portugal) and 2013 (Sofia, Bulgaria). The first CRH was held in Warsaw (Poland) in 2015. 

Submissions of long abstracts for oral presentations and posters (with or without demonstrations) featuring high quality and previously unpublished research are invited on the following TOPICS: 

- specific issues related to the annotation of corpora for research in the Humanities (annotation schemes and principles), with special interest in space and time annotations
- corpora as a basis for research in the Humanities
- diachronic, historical and literary corpora
- use of corpora for stylometrics and authorship attribution
- philological issues, like different readings, textual variants, apparatus, non-standard orthography and spelling variation
- adaptation of NLP tools for older language varieties
- integration of corpora for the Humanities into language resources infrastructures
- tools for building and accessing corpora for the Humanities
- examples of fruitful collaboration between Computational Linguistics and Humanities in building and exploiting corpora
- theoretical aspects of the use of empirical evidence provided by corpora in the Humanities

This year, CRH will have a SPECIAL TOPIC concerning time and space annotation in textual data. Submissions with this focus are especially encouraged. 

Contributions reporting results from completed as well as ongoing research are welcome. They will be evaluated on novelty of approach and methods, whether descriptive, theoretical, formal or computational. 

The proceedings will be published in time for the workshop. They will be co-edited by Andrew Frank, Christine Ivanovic, Francesco Mambrini, Marco Passarotti and Caroline Sporleder.

Research in the Humanities is predominantly text-based. For centuries scholars have studied documents such as historical manuscripts, literary works, legal contracts, diaries of important personalities, old tax records etc. Large amounts of such documents exist and are increasingly available in digital form. This has a potentially profound impact on how research is conducted in the Humanities.
Digitised sources allowing scholars to analyse texts quicker and more systematically. 

Digital data can also be (semi-)automatically mined: important facts and interdependencies can be detected, complex statistics can be calculated. Analysis of locations and time in documents is often crucial to understand and visualize trends. Results can be visualised and presented to the scholars, who can then delve further into the data for verification and deeper analysis. 

Digitisation encourages empirical research, opening the road for completely new research paradigms that exploit `big data' for humanities research. Digitisation is only a first step, however. In their raw form, electronic corpora are of limited use to humanities researchers. Corpus annotation can build on a long tradition in (corpus) linguistics and computational linguistics but the true potential of such resources is only unlocked if corpora are enriched with different layers of linguistic annotation (ranging from morphology to semantics, including location and time). 

The CRH workshop aims at building a tighter collaboration between people working in various areas of the Humanities (such as literature, philology, history, translational studies etc.) and the research community involved in developing, using and making accessible different kinds of corpora. A gap exists between computational linguists (who sometimes do not involve humanists in developing and exploiting corpora for the Humanities) and humanists (who sometimes just aren't aware that such corpora do exist and that automatic methods and standards to build and use them are today available).
Over the past few years a number of historical annotated corpora have been started, among which are treebanks for Middle, Early Modern and Old English, Early New High German, Medieval Portuguese, Ugaritic, Latin, Ancient Greek and several translations of the New Testament into Indo-European languages. The experience of these ever-growing set of projects can provide many suggestions on the methodology as well as on the practice of interaction between literary studies, philology and corpus linguistics.

- Tara L. Andrews, University of Wien, Austria (
- James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University, MA, USA (

Deadlines :
- Abstract submission: 8 October 2017
- Notification of acceptance: 5 November 2017
- Final version of paper: 3 December 2017
- Workshop: 25-26 January 2018

We invite to submit long abstracts describing original, unpublished research related to the topics of the workshop as PDF. Abstracts should not exceed 6 pages (references included) and written in English.
Submissions have to be made via the EasyChair page of the workshop at (requires prior registration with EasyChair).
The style guidelines can be found here:

Reviewing will be double-blind; therefore, the abstract should not include the authors' names and affiliations or any references to web-sites, project names etc. revealing the authors' identity. Furthermore, any self-reference should be avoided. For instance, instead of "We previously showed (Brown, 2001)...", use citations such as "Brown previously showed (Brown, 2001)...". Each submitted abstract will be reviewed by three members of the program committee.

Submitted abstracts can be for oral or poster presentations (possibly with demo). There is no difference between the different kinds of presentation both in terms of reviewing process and publication in the proceedings (the limit of 6 pages holds for both abstracts intended for oral and poster presentations).

The authors of the accepted abstracts will be required to submit the full version of their paper, which may be extended up to 10 pages (references included).

The oral presentations at the workshop will be 30 minutes long (25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussion).
Depending on the number of submissions, a poster session might be organised as well.

On the night of 25 January, the TU WIen organizes their TU-Ball at the imperial Hofburg ( Participants may take part in this unique festivity (details later). Do not miss such an opportunity to participate in this highlight of the Viennese ball season!

Francesco Mambrini (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin, Germany)
Marco Passarotti (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy)
Caroline Sporleder (University of Göttingen, Germany)

John A. Bateman (Germany) 
Gerhard Budin (Austria)
Giuseppe Celano (Germany)
Arianna Ciula (UK)
Giovanni Colavizza (Switzerland)
Maud Ehrmann (Switzerland)
Andrew Frank (Austria)
Emiliano Giovannetti (Italy)
Stefan Th. Gries (USA)
Dag Haug (Norway)
Leif Isaksen (UK)
Christine Ivanovic (Austria)
Mike Kestemont (Belgium)
Puneet Kishor (Germany)
Dimitrios Kokkinakis (Sweden)
Sandra Kübler (USA)
Werner Kuhn (USA)
Yudong Liu (USA)
Melanie Malzahn (Austria)
Roland Meyer (Germany)
Willard McCarty (UK)
John Nerbonne (The Netherlands)
Julianne Nyhan (UK)
Michael Piotrowski (Switzerland)
Geoffrey Rockwell (Canada)
Matteo Romanello (Germany)
Rainer Simon (Austria)
Neel Smith (USA)
Uwe Springmann (Germany)
Martin Thiering (Germany)
Sara Tonelli (Italy)
Martin Wynne (UK)
Amir Zeldes (USA)

Hanno Biber
Andreas Dittrich
Andrew Frank
Katharina Godler
Christine Ivanovic