Wednesday, December 28, 2016

International Conference
Parchment, Paper and Pixels. Medieval Writing and Modern Technology
Maastricht, The Netherlands, February 2-3, 2017
organised by the working group ‘Writing and Writing Practices in the Medieval Low Countries’,
(Schrift en Schriftdragers in de Nederlanden in de Middeleeuwen – SSNM) in collaboration with the
Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, The Regional Historic Centre Limburg and the Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies (Ghent University).

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dear Colleagues,
it is my pleasure to invite you, on behalf of its organizers, Stefan Esders, Silvia Polla, and Tonio Sebastian Richter, as well as its scientific board, to the international conference
Patterns of Transition in Economy and Trade Throughout the Late Antique,
Early Medieval and Islamicate Mediterranean
which will take place in Berlin, 4 - 7 October 2017 and for which we are excited to announce the following keynote speakers:
Sauro Gelichi (Venice)
Stefan Heidemann (Hamburg)
Richard Hodges (Rome)
Andreas Kaplony (Munich)
Cécile Morrison (Paris/Dumbarton Oaks)
Bernhard Palme (Vienna)
Paul Reynolds (Barcelona)
Jean Christoph Treglia (Aix en Provence)
Joanita A. C. Vroom (Leiden)
Christopher Wickham (Oxford)
Please let us know whether you would like to participate with a paper or poster that fits our thematic framework. We would also greatly appreciate your sharing this Call for Papers with your colleagues and affiliated institutions who may be interested in our event. We are attempting to arrange for the funding of all travel and accommodation expenses.
We would ask those of you who indicate their wish to participate with a paper/poster to provide us with an abstract and a working title by 15 January 2017.
We are looking forward to receiving your responses and hopefully learning about your research in Berlin next year.
Kind regards,
Frederic Krueger
Conference secretary
Freie Universität Berlin
Project Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Canadian Society of Medievalists Annual Meeting -  CALL FOR PAPERS 

Congress 2017
27-29 MAY 2017



The special theme for this year’s Congress is “From Far & Wide: The Next 150 Years/L’épopée d’une histoire: 150 ans vers l’avenir”, but papers for the CSM Annual Meeting can address any topic on medieval studies. Proposals for complete sessions are also invited, and special sessions seeking speakers include: 

1. Medieval art and architecture; 

2. 1417: The deposition of Avignon Pope Benedict XIII and the end of the Great Western Schism. 

Papers may be delivered in either English or French, and bilingual sessions are particularly welcome. 

Proposals should include a one-page abstract and a one-page curriculum vitae. Papers should be no more than 20 minutes' reading time. Please submit proposals by Sunday 15 January 2017 by email to If you prefer to send a paper copy, please post your proposal to the following address: 

Dominic Marner 

President, CSM 
University of Guelph 
50 Stone Road East Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1 Canada

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Neue Veranstaltungsreihe/ Leipzig

Byzanz und der Westen: Kolloquium zur materiellen Kultur im Mittelalter
Lecture Series: Material Culture in Byzantium and the Medieval West

Dr. Alex Rodriguez Suarez (Barcelona):  From Tower to Belfry: The Other Origins of the Byzantine Bell Tower

Dr. Stefan Trinks (Berlin): Byzanz in Iberien – Zwei Welten

Jeweils 19 Uhr, Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Leipzig, Dittrichring 18-20 (Wünschmanns Hof), 5. Etage, Raum 5/14

Die Veranstaltungsreihe widmet sich der Erforschung der materiellen Kultur des mittelalterlichen Westens, des Byzantinischen Reichs, von Grenzräumen und Schnittstellen und von Fragen des kulturellen Austauschs. Sie ist eine Kooperation  des Instituts für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Leipzig, des Studiengangs Museologie der HTWK Leipzig und des Handschriftenzentrums der Universitätsbibliothek. Den Auftakt bildet der Vortrag von Alex Rodriguez Suarez, dem pro Semester von ca. 3-4 Vorträgen folgen sollen.

Das Kolloquium will die Erforschung und die Sichtbarkeit der materiellen Kultur des Mittelmeerraums und angrenzender Kulturräume zwischen Antike und Neuzeit in Leipzig fördern. Neben der Kunstgeschichte und der Archäologie sucht das Kolloquium gezielt den Dialog mit anderen Disziplinen (Mediävistik, Philologie, Byzantinistik, Judaistik, Arabistik, Theologie, Historische Geographie etc.), um einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der mittelalterlichen materiellen Kultur und ihrer Verflechtungen zu leisten.


Armin Bergmeier (Universität Leipzig):
Johannes Tripps (HTWK):

Monday, December 12, 2016

Editing Late-Antique and Early Medieval Texts. Problems and Challenges
International Workshop
University of Lisbon, 23-24 November, 2017
This workshop aims at fostering and promoting the exchange of ideas on how to edit Late-Antique and Early-Medieval texts. By presenting case-studies, participants will be encouraged to share the editorial problems and methodological challenges that they had to face in order to fulfil their research or critical editions. Troublesome issues will be addressed like how to edit, for instance,
- an 'open' text or a 'fluid' one (as in the case of some glossaries, grammatical texts, chronicles or scientific treatises),
- a Latin text translated from another language, like Greek, or bilingual texts (like some hagiographic texts, hermeneumata, Latin translations of Greek medical treatises, etc.),
- a text with variants by the author or in double recensions,
- a text with linguistic instability,
- a collection of extracts,
- a lost text recoverable from scanty remnants or fragments,
- a text transmitted by a codex unicus or, on the contrary, a text transmitted by a huge number of manuscripts,
- a text with a relevant indirect tradition,
- homiliaries and passionaires as collections of selected texts.
Attention will be devoted as well to different aspects of editorial practice and textual criticism.
Keynote speakers
Carmen Codoñer (U. Salamanca), Paolo Chiesa (U. Milano), Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute).
Call for papers
download call for papers
The papers should be 30 minutes in length and will focus on the edition of late-antique and early Medieval texts, in particular on editions currently in preparation, forthcoming or recently concluded. The scientific committee will select a number of proposals to be presented and discussed during the workshop. The papers can be presented in English, French, Italian and Spanish.
An abstract of around 200 words, including the name, institution and email, should be sent before May 30, 2017 to:
Acceptance of the papers will be communicated until June 30, 2017.
Inscription fees
70 € for participating with paper.
50 € for Ph.D. students presenting a paper.
Organizing Committee: Paulo F. Alberto (Univ. Lisboa), David Paniagua (Univ. Salamanca), Rossana Guglielmetti (Univ. Milano).
More information: here
Centro de Estudos Clássicos
Faculdade de Letras
Cidade Universitária
1600-214 LISBOA
TEL (351) 21 792 00 05 (Secretariado)
FAX (351)21 792 00 80
E-mail: /
Sítio electrónico:
Siga-nos no Facebook.
Horário do Secretariado:
2.ª, 4.ª e 6.ª-feira: 10h-12h / 14h-17h
3.ª e 5.ª-feira: 11h-12h / 14h-18h

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

*La version française suit*
*Please circulate widely*/*Excuse cross-posting*

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the Call for Proposals (CFP) forCAPAL17: Foundations & Futures: Critical Reflections on the Pasts, Presents, and Possibilities of Academic Librarianship. This will be the fourth annual conference of the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians (CAPAL) to be held May 30th – June 1st as part of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2017 in Toronto, Ontario which lies in the territory of the Haudenosaunee and the Mississaugas of the New Credit River.

This conference provides an opportunity for the academic library community to critically examine and discuss together the ways in which our profession is influenced by its social, political, and economic environments. By considering academic librarianship within its historical contexts, its presents, and its possible futures, and by situating it within evolving cultural frameworks and structures of power, we can better understand the ways in which academic librarianship may reflect, reinforce, or challenge these contexts both positively and negatively.

The deadline for proposals is the 23rd of December, 2016.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Winchester: An Early Medieval Royal City.
University of Winchester 9-12 July, 2017

A multi- and interdisciplinary conference on the development of the city of Winchester, its cultural and political life, and its place in the early medieval world. Hosted by the Winchester, The Royal City project team in association with the University of Winchester.
Proposals for 20-minute papers and themed sessions of three papers are invited on aspects of the Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman city of Winchester from the seventh to the twelfth centuries. These may include the structures of power and Winchester's place in local/regional/national/global histories (eg the 'Second Viking Age' or the 'Anarchy'), communities within the city, Winchester's minsters, representations of the Anglo-Saxon city in (early) medieval literature, the role of the city in the development of language and literature, comparative work on other early medieval royal cities (e.g. Laon, Cordoba), urban topography, or representations of the early medieval heritage of Winchester since the middle ages. The aim of the conference is to be both multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary, to think about the position of a city within a wider community, the communities of the city itself, and the perceptions of the city.
Please send a 200-word abstract and 1-page summary CV to by 13 February 2017. Contact and/or for enquiries.
Keynote speakers confirmed are Professor Martin Biddle (Emertitus Fellow, Hertford College Oxford; Director of the Winchester Excavations Committee) Professor Barbara Yorke  (Professor Emerita, University of Winchester; Visiting Professor, UCL)