Digital Classicist London Seminar Institute of Classical Studies Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU Friday June 17th at 16:30 in room 234 *Professor Eleanor Robson (UCL)* *From the Ground to the Cloud* Digital edition of freshly excavated cuneiform tablets on Oracc Why edit texts using digital tools? And why produce online editions in an open access environment? This seminar explores the many benefits, from ensuring editorial consistency to maximising accessibility for readers and researchers. I will explore the principles and practice with examples from my current work, which happens to deal with newly excavated cuneiform tablets from southern Iraq, from a previously little-documented period of Babylonian history. But the same basic theories and methods are relevant to all periods, places, and genres of text, and are useful to think about for both creators and users of text editions. ALL WELCOME
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
2016 Conference and School on Authority, Provenance, Authenticity, Evidence
October 25-28, 2016 University of Zadar, Croatia
University of Zadar, Croatia, Department of Information Sciences will be hosting its fourth conference and summer school on 25 – 28 October 2016, in Zadar.
The University of Zadar hosted the Summer School in the Study of Old Books in 2009; the Summer School in the Study of Historical Manuscripts in 2011; and the Conference and School on Records, Archives and Memory Studies in 2013. The 2016 Conference and School will focus on historical and contemporary understandings and manifestations of the concepts of authority, provenance, authenticity and evidence in diverse cultural, community, disciplinary, professional and technological contexts, as well as on the nature, valence and relevance of these concepts looking toward the future. Attendance is welcomed to scholars, including students, and professionals in any field.
The Conference and School will be co-organised by the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Department of Information Studies, VESTIGIA, the Manuscript Research Centre of Graz University, Scientific Centre of Excellence for Croatian Glagolitism and Croatian National Archives.
Full programme, registration information and accommodation information are available at
Previous summer schools and conferences:
Summer School in the Study of Old Book (Summer School in the Study of Old Books, 2009),
Summer School in the Study of Historical Manuscripts (Summer School in the Study of Historical Manuscripts, 2011.) i
Conference and School on Records, Archives and Memory Studies (Conference and School on Records, Archives and Memory Studies, 2013).
Selected papers will be published in refereed proceedings by the University of Zadar.
Proceedings from previous Summer schools:
1. Summer School in the Study of Old Books,
2. Summer School in the Study of Historical Manuscripts,
- Records, Archives and Memory : Proceedings. Zadar: Sveučilište, 2015. (printed version only, orders on e-mail:
doc. dr. sc. Marijana Tomić
Sveučiliste u Zadru
Odjel za informacijske znanosti
Ulica dr. Franje Tuđmana 24i
23000 Zadar
CFP: Animal Husbandry: Bestiality in Medieval Culture
by Jacqueline Stuhmiller
Your network editor has reposted this from H-Announce. The byline reflects the original authorship.
Call for Papers
July 31, 2016
Wisconsin, United States
Subject Fields:
Law and Legal History, Medieval and Byzantine History / Studies, Religious Studies and Theology, Sexuality Studies, Art, Art History & Visual Studies
Second Call for Papers
Animal Husbandry: Bestiality in Medieval Culture
The boundaries between human and non-human animals were in some ways very clearly defined in the Middle Ages. God commanded Adam and Eve, in no uncertain terms, to multiply and subdue the lower creatures. Both Augustine and Aquinas agreed that animals were created solely for the use of man and had no immortal souls. An affection for pets was often considered to be a sign of decadence or even devilishness. Sexual contact between humans and animals was the most forbidden transgression of all: witches were thought to copulate with the devil while he was in animal form, and accusations of bestiality were often followed by harsh punishments. Cross-species unions could produce hybrid monsters such as the Ox Man of Wicklow, described by Gerald of Wales.
Yet these seemingly strict boundaries between humans and non-humans became far more porous in the medieval imagination. Humans had a variety of romantic and sexual encounters with members of other species (or gods, fairies, or humans disguised as other species): theriomorphic deities such as Jupiter or the Serpent; shapeshifters such as Melusine, Bisclavret, and Yonec; the bear wives of northern legend and the animal bridegrooms of folklore; the lecherous sirens of the bestiaries; and the demonic fathers of Robert the Devil and Merlin, to name but a few.
We are looking for essays that explore the ways that medieval people came into sexual contact with non-human creatures, whether in practice or representation, temporarily or permanently, deliberately or accidentally. Where did the medievals locate the boundaries between human and non-human, and what were the penalties (and the rewards) of crossing those boundaries? We are especially interested in interdisciplinary and transcultural studies, as well as those that incorporate the disciplines of law, history, sociology, archaeology, folklore, theology, and art history.
Abstracts of 250-500 words for proposed articles of 7,000 to 10,000 words, including references, should be sent to Jacqueline Stuhmiller at for consideration by 31 July 2016. This volume is under consideration for the series Explorations in Medieval Culture (Brill).
Contact Email:
Monday, June 13, 2016
Narrative exchanges between Byzantium and Armenia: contact, conflict, & connotation. A workshop for postgraduate and early-career scholars.March 16-17, 2017. Uppsala University, Sweden.The shifting borderland between Byzantine and Armenian culture-complexes in Eastern Anatolia and the Armenian plateau was a site of contact and conflict, alliances made and discarded, cultural exchange and cultural imperialism. This two-day workshop will explore narratives of exchange and conflict between Byzantium and Armenia, broadly defined: narrative in its largest and most productive sense of telling stories; and 'Byzantium' and 'Armenia' encompassing the encounter in the frontier zone, the presence of Armenians in Byzantine society, the exchange of ideas, relics, language, and persons over cultural and cultic boundaries, and the perils and problems of annexation, imperialism(s), and survival.Papers given at this workshop should explore the narrative process behind these moments of contact and conflict. Possible angles of approach might include: the enshrinement of memory (in historiography, relics, art); self-fashioning of Byzantine and Armenian 'border-crossers'; the process of translation; narratives of enmity or of conversion; nationalist narratives (their problems and their benefits); self-fashioning of modern 'Armenologists' and 'Byzantinologists' with reference to what we might gain from one another – amongst other topics.Abstracts should be sent to AnnaLinden Weller ( by September 30, 2016.--
Dr. AnnaLinden Weller
Postdoctoral Researcher, Byzantine Studies
Department of Linguistics & Philology
Uppsala University.![]()
CfP: Leeds IMC sessions ‘Anglo-Saxon Life Cycles’ (IMC Leeds, 3-6 July 2017)
In these sessions, we hope to bring together papers that deal with the human life cycle in Anglo-Saxon England and show how this complex concept (with all of its biological, social and cultural aspects) influenced the lives, writings and art work of the inhabitants of early medieval England. Paper proposals are welcome from all disciplines, including literary studies, art history, history, archaeology and lexicography.
Possible topics/themes include but are not limited to:
- Definitions, concepts, and constructions of the life cycle
- The life course in art and literature
- Age and alterity (Ageism and the ageist Other)
- Age and gender
- Intergenerational relations and/or conflicts
- The life cycle and the Anglo-Saxon Church
- Saints in various stages of life
- Care for the young, care for the elderly
- Semantic field studies of (the various stages of) the human life course
Subsequent to the sessions we hope to publish the contributions as a volume of essays, with the goal of furthering interest in the topic.
Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words to Thijs Porck (Leiden University; or Hattie Soper (Cambridge University; by August 20, 2016.
(for full CfP please see attached)
Friday, June 10, 2016
CFP: Byzantine Studies
by Brandie Ratliff
The Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture seeks proposals for a Mary Jaharis Center sponsored session at the 24th International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 3–6, 2017. We invite session proposals on any topic relevant to Byzantine studies.
The thematic strand for the 2017 IMC is “Otherness.” See the IMC Call for Papers ( for additional information about the theme and suggested areas of discussion.
Session proposals should be submitted through the Mary Jaharis Center website site ( The deadline for submission isAugust 31, 2016. Proposals should include:
- Title
- 100-word session abstract
- Session moderator and academic affiliation
- Information about the three papers to be presented in the session. For each paper: name of presenter and academic affiliation, proposed paper title, and 100-word abstract
- CV
Successful applicants will be notified by mid-September if their proposal has been selected for submission to the International Medieval Congress. The Mary Jaharis Center will submit the session proposal to the International Medieval Congress and will keep the potential organizer informed about the status of the proposal.
If the proposed session is approved, the Mary Jaharis Center will reimburse session participants (presenters and moderator) up to $600 maximum for EU residents and up to $1200 maximum for those coming from outside Europe. Funding is through reimbursement only; advance funding cannot be provided. Eligible expenses include conference registration, transportation, and food and lodging. Receipts are required for reimbursement.
The session organizer may act as the moderator or present a paper. Participants may only present papers in one session.
Please contact Brandie Ratliff (, Director, Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture with any questions.
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München, 19. - 21.05.2017
Eingabeschluss: 15.08.2016In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten ist die interdisziplinäre Erforschung der mittelalterlichen Kunst zunehmend in den Vordergrund gerückt, scheitert aber oft an den unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen, Schwerpunkten und Herangehensweisen der verschiedenen Fachgebiete. Das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF geförderte Verbundprojekt “Innovation und Tradition. Objekte und Eliten in Hildesheim, 1130-1250“, an dem neben dem Dommuseum Hildesheim die Universitäten Bonn, Kiel, Osnabrück und Potsdam beteiligt sind, widmet sich seit April 2015 exemplarisch diesem Desiderat. Das Projekt geht am Beispiel von Hildesheim davon aus, dass kulturelle, geistesgeschichtliche und theologische Voraussetzungen des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts ihren visuellen Niederschlag in einer besonderen, in den Kunstobjekten greifbaren Bilderwelt fanden. Die Objekte werden dementsprechend als Reflexe gesellschaftlicher Konfigurationen, als Exponenten der materiellen Kultur mit einer definierten Position innerhalb der religiösen Praktiken und ästhetischen Vorstellungen des hohen Mittelalters verstanden.
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte sollen im Rahmen der Tagung die vom Projekt ausgehenden Fragestellungen und Themen in einem europäischen Kontext diskutiert werden: Besonders willkommen sind deshalb Vorschläge zur Kunst des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts, die den kirchlichen, monastischen, städtischen und technisch-materiellen Kontext im Hinblick auf Auftragsvergabe, Herstellung und liturgischer Nutzung ausloten. Fragestellungen können zum Beispiel sein, welche Trägerschichten künstlerischen Schaffens in Frage kommen und/oder als Zielgruppen angesprochen werden sollten, welche Beziehungen es zwischen den Objekten und den Bildungsverhältnissen gibt. Oder inwiefern die intellektuellen Neuorientierungen im Bereich von Bildung und Schule dieser Zeit auch zu einer neuen künstlerischen Qualität führten. Von besonderem Interesse sind Beiträge, in denen nach den Umformungen künstlerischer Traditionen unter dem Einfluss der neuen theologischen und liturgischen Notwendigkeiten der Zeit gefragt wird.
Eine zeitnahe Publikation der Beiträge ist geplant.
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Vorschläge von maximal einer Seite mit einem Lebenslauf bis zum 15. August 2016 an:
While interdisciplinary research on medieval art has been increasingly moving into the center in recent decades, it often fails because of distinct questions, priorities and approaches of each discipline. The research project “Innovation und Tradition. Objekte und Eliten in Hildesheim, 1130-1250“, which is funded by the German “Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF“, and a collaboration of the Dommuseum Hildesheim with the universities of Bonn, Kiel, Osnabrück and Potsdam, is addressing this desideratum. By taking Hildesheim as an example the project explores how culture, ideas and theology of the 12th and 13th centuries are visually reflected in artistic objects. Works of art are seen in relation to social configurations, as exponents of material culture with a defined position within religious practices and aesthetic ideas of the high middle ages.
This conference in collaboration with the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich would like to discuss these topics based on the project and set them into a larger European context: Thus proposals on 12th and 13th century art which explore the ecclesiastical, monastic, civic, material and technical context with regard to commissioning, production, and liturgical use are particularly welcome.
Papers could explore the leading classes of artistic donors, or the intended target audiences. What were the relations between objects and educational standards? How did the intellectual reorientation in the field of education and schools of this period lead to a new artistic quality? And how was artistic tradition transformed under the influence of new theological and liturgical trends of the time.
A publication of the papers is intended.
Please send your proposal of max. one page with your CV until August 15, 2016 to:
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
CALL FOR PAPERSWomen’s Literary Culture and the Medieval Canon
International Conference University of Bergen, Norway 22-24 June 2017
This international conference is organized by Professor Diane Watt and Dr Laura Saetveit Miles as part of the Leverhulme International Network, ‘Women’s Literary Culture and the Medieval Canon’, led by the University of Surrey, in collaboration with the Universities of Bangor, Bergen, Boston, Durham, Lausanne, Swansea, and Texas A&M. For further information please visit the network website:
Over the last three decades medieval women's writing has become a significant focus of innovative research. Yet, despite this wealth of ground-breaking scholarship, the established canon of medieval literature has remained fundamentally unchallenged. This conference will explore the importance of considering women's engagement with textual culture in understanding the medieval literary canon. While the network has hitherto focused largely on English texts and traditions, we welcome papers that focus on European sources.
Themes that will be explored in the conference include:
- Women as authors
- Women as patrons
- Book ownership in the household
- Anonymous texts
- Genre and gender
- Literary reception
- Women as translators
- Women readers
- Book ownership in women’s religious communities
- Manuscript production
- Literary influence
- Collaboration
We anticipate contributors giving papers of 20-30 minutes. Please submit proposed titles and abstracts of 300 words, with a short academic biography, by 15 September 2016 to Lynette Kerridge:
Laura Saetveit Miles
English Literature
Førsteamanuensis, Institutt for Fremmedspråk, Universitet i Bergen
Førsteamanuensis, Institutt for Fremmedspråk, Universitet i Bergen
Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen
Monday, June 6, 2016
MATLIT, 2017, vol. 5
VOX MEDIA: O Som na Literatura | Sound in Literature | El Sonido en la Literatura
Editores: Osvaldo Manuel Silvestre (Universidade de Coimbra)
Felipe Cussen (Universidade de Santiago do Chile)
MATLIT’s volume 5 is intent on exploring what we call literature as VOX MEDIA: voice as a means for literature and the disturbances suffered by the medium from the combined effect of performance and the technologies for mediation, representation and reproduction. And also other instances, like the tensions between the body and technology, audibility v. inaudibility of text, sound and meaning, physical presence and/or absence of the authors, and so forth. The goal is not only that of generating a catalogue or a compendium of the contemporary effects of VOX MEDIA on the notion of literature, but that of generating an archaeology for VOX MEDIA and for all related phenomena repressed by their historical invisibility.
Submissions must be uploaded before October 31, 2016. Prior to submission, authors have to register in the journal system: Please see author guidelines:
VOX MEDIA: O Som na Literatura | Sound in Literature | El Sonido en la Literatura
Editores: Osvaldo Manuel Silvestre (Universidade de Coimbra)
Felipe Cussen (Universidade de Santiago do Chile)
MATLIT’s volume 5 is intent on exploring what we call literature as VOX MEDIA: voice as a means for literature and the disturbances suffered by the medium from the combined effect of performance and the technologies for mediation, representation and reproduction. And also other instances, like the tensions between the body and technology, audibility v. inaudibility of text, sound and meaning, physical presence and/or absence of the authors, and so forth. The goal is not only that of generating a catalogue or a compendium of the contemporary effects of VOX MEDIA on the notion of literature, but that of generating an archaeology for VOX MEDIA and for all related phenomena repressed by their historical invisibility.
Submissions must be uploaded before October 31, 2016. Prior to submission, authors have to register in the journal system: Please see author guidelines:
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Summer Edition From the Week's News
Not Medieval, but the trove of Roman writing tablets in London is just too cool to pass by
"Vampire Graves" in Poland
Borgring, the fifth ring-fort, rediscovered on Zealand a couple years back, now open to public
Discussion of "Dark Ages" with reference to Tintagel
Replica of Viking ship to recreate voyage to Greenland
Rievaulx Abbey Medieval Artifacts on Display
Discoveries at Crawley
A Piece on Breast-Feeding
I Have A New Novel Idea---Stealing Bruge's Beer!!
"Vampire Graves" in Poland
Borgring, the fifth ring-fort, rediscovered on Zealand a couple years back, now open to public
Discussion of "Dark Ages" with reference to Tintagel
Replica of Viking ship to recreate voyage to Greenland
Rievaulx Abbey Medieval Artifacts on Display
Discoveries at Crawley
A Piece on Breast-Feeding
I Have A New Novel Idea---Stealing Bruge's Beer!!
all for Papers
5 – 7 December 2016 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Hotel Location will be finalized soon)
5 – 7 December 2016 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Hotel Location will be finalized soon)
Deadline Submission : 30th June 2016!!!!
Malaysia Technical Scientist Association (MALTESAS) together with Institute of Islamic Sciences (ISI), Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), and Faculty of Sharia and Law under Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the 2016 WORLD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAMIC SCIENCES (WICOIS) on 5 – 7 December 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This international level conference its aim to be more specific in the development and cutting-edge papers related to Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.
The main theme of the 2016 WORLD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAMIC SCIENCES (WICOIS) is Science, Technologies and Humanities For Better Life Of Ummah to provide an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various islamic studies in science and technology and other related fields from all over the world to come together and learn from each other. An additional goal of the conference is to provide a place for academicians and professionals with cross-disciplinary interests related to various islamic studies in science and technology and other related fields to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines
ISSN: 1936-6612 (Print): EISSN: 1936-7317 (Online)
Copyright © 2000-2016 American Scientific Publishers.
All Rights Reserved.
ISSN: 1936-6612 (Print): EISSN: 1936-7317 (Online)
Copyright © 2000-2016 American Scientific Publishers.
All Rights Reserved.
SCOPUS Indexed (Q3/Q4 Journal Rank by SCIMAGOR)
CPCI-S by Thomson Reuters
CPCI-S by Thomson Reuters
Introducing: Best Paper Awards for Five Papers
*Will receive a certificate of Best Paper Award
*Nominated by Experts
*Will receive a certificate of Best Paper Award
*Nominated by Experts
WICOIS covers, but not limited to, the following topics:
Conference Tracks:
A. Heritage and Islamic civilization
- The integration of al-Quran and Sunnah with modern scientific discovery
- Scientific discovery and technological innovations
- Application of technology in the development of science al-Quran and Sunnah
- Current issues of Al-Quran and Sunnah
- Current Issues in education and psychology
- Muslim scholars in contemporary world
- The Role of Al-Quran and Sunnah based on the institutions perspective in Malaysia and NGO
- Islamic Arts and Culture
- Islamic Manuscript
- The best implementation of Qur'an and Sunnah in the transformation of human society
- Military, political, economic and social from Quranic and Sunnah perspectives
- Medicine and healthcare in the Islamic perspectives
- Quranic and Sunnah education for disabilities
- The role of al-Quran and Sunnah against misunderstandings concerning religion and heresy
B. Wellness and Quality of Life
- Community and Health
- Socio cultural aspects of health
- Traditional and Complementary Medicine
- Clinical Medicine
- Infectious Diseases
- Non-Communicable Diseases
- Healthy Ageing
- Women Health
- Child Health
- Healthy workforce
C. Science & Technology
- Agriculture
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Biotechnology
- Biochemistry
- Chemistry
- Civil
- Earth Science
- Ecology
- Electronics
- Energy
- Environment
- Geography
- Geology and Geophysics
- Life Sciences
- Mathematics
- Materials Science
- Mechanical
- Meteorology
- Nanotechnology
- Nursery
- Physics
- Statistics
- Space
D. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Engineering
- Bioinformatics
- Distributed, Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing
- Computer Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks and High Performance Networks
- Information, Network and System Security
- Mobile Computing
- Audio Video System
- Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction
- Data/Image Processing, Compression and Enhancement
- Internet and Web Applications
- Multimedia Applications
- Databases and Data Mining Methods and Applications
- Knowledge Management
- Software Engineering
- Computational Business Intelligence
- Empirical Studies, Benchmarking, and Industrial Best Practices
- Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Service-Oriented Computing
- Control, Information and Systems Engineering
- System Identification, Modelling & Simulation
- Signal Processing: Speech Processing, Image Processing
- Instrumentation and Automation
- Computer Engineering
- Automation & Robotics
- System Identification
- Process & Control
- Intelligent Systems
- Optimization of Systems
- Embedded Systems
- Nonlinear Systems
- Digital Control
- Other Topics in ICT and Engineering
E. Law, Shariah dan Social Science
- Modern Application of Shariah and Legal Studies
- Shariah and Law: Integration Approach
- Intergration of Naqli and Aqli Knowledge in Shariah and Law
- International Law
- Family Law
- Land and Forest Law
- Maritime Law
- International Trade
- Human Rights
- Law and Society
- Evidence
- Administrative and Procedural Law
- Modern Application of Shariah
- Islamic Criminal Law
- Other related field to Shariah and Law
- organizational studies
- Political science
- Psychology
- Ethnic and cultural studies
- Sociology
- Economy
- Muamalat
- Accounting
- Business
Deadline Submission : 30th June 2016!!!!
Looking forward to your support, participation & contribution in WICOIS!
Conference Chair
Email: | Website:
Email: | Website:
We are pleased to announce a three-day workshop "Code and Collation: Training Textual Scholars" that takes place in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from 2 - 4 November 2016. The event is part of the DiXiT network and is hosted by the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands. It brings together a group of international experts from the fields of textual scholarship and computer science.
The workshop engages with the theory and practice of semi-automated collation and provides an intense training in the open source collation program CollateX. Participants will learn how to prepare source materials, how to perform semi-automated collation using CollateX, and how to inspect and modify the results; they will acquire or improve computational skills relevant to textual criticism and in particular to the production of scholarly editions.
Registration is now open and free of charge. Early registration is recommended since there are limited places available. Detailed information can be found at the website: For all questions, do not hesitate to get in touch at dixitcollation[at]gmail[dot]com.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Amsterdam!
On behalve of the organising committee,
--Elli Bleeker
University of Antwerp
Centre for Manuscript Genetics
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