Monday, April 23, 2012

Booking Open: Digital Humanities @ Oxford Summer School 2012

The Digital.Humanities@Oxford Summer School (DHOXSS) 2012 is now open for booking!

Booking is now open at: with a limited number of ‘early bird’ discounted places.

The DHOXSS is scheduled for the 2nd - 6th July 2012 at the University of Oxford. DHOXSS delegates will be introduced to a range of topics suitable for researchers, project managers, research assistants, and students who are interested in the creation, management, or publication of digital data in the humanities.

Delegates will follow one of our 5 day workshops on:

* An Introduction to XML and the Text Encoding Initiative
* Working with TEI Texts (Advanced)
* An Introduction to Digital Humanities Tools and Approaches
* A Humanities Web of Data: Publishing, Linking, Querying and
Visualisation on the Semantic Web

Each day will also contain plenary lectures:
Monday: "Crowdsourcing in the Humanities", Chris Lintott (Zooniverse)

Tuesday: "Humanities Research Data -- Rate me!", Wolfram Horstmann (Bodleian)

Wednesday: "Social Machines" Dave DeRoure (OeRC)

Thursday: "Linked Data in the Humanities: An Open-and-Shut Case?" Elton Barker (Open University) and Leif Isaksen (University of Southampton)

Friday: "Making the Digital Human: Anxieties, Possibilities, and Challenges" Andrew Prescott (King's College London)

And a free choice of afternoon parallel sessions:

Parallel Session 1: "Oxford adventures in crowdsourcing: models for engaging communities and enhancing digital collections" Kate Lindsay (OUCS) and David Tomkins (Bodleian) Parallel Session 2: "Creating Digital Data Resources: Issues to consider" David Robey (OeRC)

Parallel Session 3: "The other 99%: two approaches to project modelling" Pip Willcox (Bodleian)
Parallel Session 4: "Encoding Music Text and Text with Music" Raffaele Viglianti (King's College London)

Parallel Session 5: "Copyright and Open Licensing" Rowan Wilson (OUCS)Parallel Session 6: "Silos and Street-Literature: Digitising and Linking Cheap Print Collections and Traditions" Giles Bergel (Merton 
College and English Faculty)

Parallel Session 7: "Impact as a process: Understanding and enhancing the reach of digital resources" Eric Meyer (OII) and Kathryn Eccles (OII) Parallel Session 8: "Discoverability, Accessibility, and
Machine-Readability" Joseph Talbot (OUCS)

Parallel Session 9: "Digital Library Technologies and Best Practice" Neil Jefferies (Bodleian) and Christine Madsen (Bodleian) Parallel Session 10: "Panel: Running Digital Humanities Summer
Schools" James Cummings (OUCS), Sebastian Rahtz (OUCS), Ray Siemens (University of Victoria), Erin Snyder (OeRC), John Pybus (OeRC)

There will be morning surgery sessions for group discussions on project sustainability, encoding, and funding applications. In addition there are two drinks receptions (included) and a three course banquet (25 pounds). Accommodation is available at Merton College and can be booked with your registration.

The summer school is a collaboration for Digital.Humanities@Oxford between Oxford University Computing Services (OUCS), Oxford e-Research Centre (OERC), with the assistance of the Humanities Division, the Bodleian Libraries, the Oxford Internet Institute, and e-Research South. The DHOXSS is organized by James Cummings and Sebastian Rahtz at OUCS and Erin Snyder at OeRC.

The Summer School will be located at Merton College, the OUCS, and the OeRC, all situated in the centre of Oxford. For more information see:

Which includes a full programme, workshop descriptions, and registration fees.

Email questions to:

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